Why are "they" at the top and most in this great industryare just flapping out there - trying to survive and just adda 1 or 2 new distributors a week?
Growing a business to achieve some of the targets you'veoutlined for yourself takes quite a bit of hard work and due diligence. Do you work as hard as a mule?
Please take a moment to print this message.
There are a lot of components that must successfully come together to grow a huge business. One of the mostimportant items that must take place is that you must work to achieve your aspirations. If success was easy we'd allbe driving our favorite Ferrari and living our lives in the fastlane.
Take a moment to think about some of the greatest businessowners of our time.
Bill Gates
John Chambers
Donald Trump
Oprah Winfrey
This prominent list could go on for quite some time. What do these leaders have in common? They've all worked theirtails off to obtain the successes they've accomplished.
They're all extremely driven. Putting in long days and countless hours is a daily routine for them. They never stop.
There's also another item that can't be overlooked when discussing leaders and driven inspirations. They all have a "WHY".
They all have something that motivates them to no end.Something that keeps them going. Day after day. It has nothing to do with the creation of wealth.
What keeps you going? Is it your children and providing themwith a better future? Are you passionate about your products
and services? Maybe you have grandchildren. Regardless ofwhat makes you 'tick', you must have a strong reason 'why'.
You'll have good days and bad ones. It's your 'why' that willgive you the strength to pull through those rough days.Ultimately, the success of the wealthy (and yours too) boils down to 2 critical things:
1. They're persistent and don't give up. Nothing stops them.Whether it's things taking place in their personal life, financial woes, personal and financial loss, etc. It makes no difference.They continue to preservere and bouce back like a yo yo. Areyou persistant? Do you easily give up and call it quits after asetback?
2. They understand the relevance of helping others. They thoroughly comprehend "The Law Of Success". The more theygive back and help others they more they will receive in return.It's crazy how it works, but it's the absolute truth. They knowthat their success, in large part, boils down to one simple question, "How many other lives have they changed?" Are youpositively having an impact on other people? Do you reach and go out of your way to assist others in their aspirations and dreams?
Ultimately, success is defined by how you responded to those 2prior questions. Growing a business takes a tremendous amountof "doing". NOT, thinking about "doing". How many others do you plan on helping others today, tomorrowand for the month? People truly need and desire to have your products and services. Are you going to reach out and help themfind what you already have? It makes no difference what you'remarketing. Juice, vitamins, internet security, etc...people need what you have.It's your job to find those people (or have them find you, whichI'll address in an upcoming issue) and provide them with whatthey're looking for.In closing, I present you with a small "to do list". Although extremely simple, this is critical to your success. Doing theseitems will allow you to be more focused and have a better grasp on your objectives:1. Create your reason "why". What keeps you motivated? What drives you to not stop and to never give up?
2. Ask yourself, "How many people you're going to help?" For the day, week and month. Baby steps here. It must be realistic. Something you know without doubt that you're completely capable of accomplishing. There's nothing wrong with starting out with extremely small numbers here. The important thing is that you start. Today. Not tomorrow. We all have reasons andexcuses why we can't or why we won't do something.
If your "why" is strong enough you will prevail. Get it done.Make it happen. Positively influence the lives of those around you.Traveling this journey with you..
Rosemarie Grabowski,
Business Growth Specialists,
308 687 6085
P.S. Remember, goals and targets are great, but action stepsare A MUST to obtain success.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
"Find Out Why Leads And Companys In An MLM Tell You To Make A List Of Your Warm Market. . . .But You Never See Their Friends or Family . . . ."
Read My Free Report Now And Find Out How To BecomeYour Upline Instead Of Building Someone Else's Downline.
Learn How Most Of The Leaders In This Business GotThere, And Why They Don't Teach You What They Do.
This Free Report May Save You Hundreds,Even Thousands Of Dollars, If You ReallyWant To Make A Living In This Business.
"If You Really Want Success In This Business, Leave Your Warm Market Alone, Stay On That Free-Dinner List.And Use All The Money You Save To Invest In Real Marketing Techniques"
Read This Free Report Now And Find Out How You CanShow Up At The Top And Crash The Party, Adding DozensOf New Reps Every Week Without Ever Leaving Home.
Learn How Companies And Leaders In ThisIndustry Reproduce Reps Like Rabbits.
Learn How Most Of The Leaders In This Business GotThere, And Why They Don't Teach You What They Do.
This Free Report May Save You Hundreds,Even Thousands Of Dollars, If You ReallyWant To Make A Living In This Business.
"If You Really Want Success In This Business, Leave Your Warm Market Alone, Stay On That Free-Dinner List.And Use All The Money You Save To Invest In Real Marketing Techniques"
Read This Free Report Now And Find Out How You CanShow Up At The Top And Crash The Party, Adding DozensOf New Reps Every Week Without Ever Leaving Home.
Learn How Companies And Leaders In ThisIndustry Reproduce Reps Like Rabbits.
Passion will make a difference
Look at what can happen when belief and passion for the products and services are the key reasons for signing up for the MLM home based business opportunity:
* Because belief and passion are so high with the products and services, the business owner is compelled to share them with friends and family; thus, no longer operating like a secret agent.
* When belief and passion are the driving forces within the business owner, complacency no longer exists. Likewise, issues that once were barriers to getting started are now banished.
* Knowing that the fundamental purpose in any business is to “show and tell” the company’s products and services, the business owner understands that everyone does not have the same feelings about what is offered; everyone is not the niche prospect. He markets accordingly, letting the prospect be the one to decide if the products and services are right for him, and knowing that a “no” to the offer is not a personal rejection.
* Understanding that the mission of sharing the business and the difference it can make in the life of another person, the business owner discovers that the fear of failure and negative self-talk disappear when leading with passion.
*No matter how slow the start, the business owner understands that quitting is not an option, that owning a business is a long-term mission and there’s no challenge too big to conquer.
In all of the years I have been involved in MLM home based businesses, I have yet to see anyone climb to the top of the mountain and stay there for the long-term without a belief and passion. Oh, yes, I have seen people -- through the passion of getting rich quickly -- climb to the top, but it is built upon greed and not upon sound principles. Their business is built like a house of cards and in a short period of time, many fall apart.
It is imperative that anyone desiring to build a MLM home based business for the long run must have a passion for the company and its products and services. That passion will attract others who also want to be a part of the marketing campaign. They, too, will embrace the owner’s passion, and this will drive them to success, too.
Check out the top leaders who have been with a company for many years. Their passion for what they do will be evident. It is rare to find anyone at the top for any length of time just because they saw the money.
So, it is necessary that a potential home business owner -- before signing up with any MLM home based business -- must research the company to make sure it is all that is written about it. It is essential to use the products and services for a period of time to make sure that there is a positive experience with them. Check out the leadership and make sure they have the experience and a system that will insure success. And, finally, a potential MLM home business owner must ask himself if this is a business that he can believe in and could eventually have a passion to build.
It’s only when the answer is “yes” to these questions that signing up and becoming involved with any MLM home based business opportunity should even be considered.
Too many people get into this industry for the wrong reasons and that is why they fail. Joining for the right reasons will make a huge difference in succeeding or failing. Passion is a key reason for successful growth in any business – either a present one or a future one.
* Because belief and passion are so high with the products and services, the business owner is compelled to share them with friends and family; thus, no longer operating like a secret agent.
* When belief and passion are the driving forces within the business owner, complacency no longer exists. Likewise, issues that once were barriers to getting started are now banished.
* Knowing that the fundamental purpose in any business is to “show and tell” the company’s products and services, the business owner understands that everyone does not have the same feelings about what is offered; everyone is not the niche prospect. He markets accordingly, letting the prospect be the one to decide if the products and services are right for him, and knowing that a “no” to the offer is not a personal rejection.
* Understanding that the mission of sharing the business and the difference it can make in the life of another person, the business owner discovers that the fear of failure and negative self-talk disappear when leading with passion.
*No matter how slow the start, the business owner understands that quitting is not an option, that owning a business is a long-term mission and there’s no challenge too big to conquer.
In all of the years I have been involved in MLM home based businesses, I have yet to see anyone climb to the top of the mountain and stay there for the long-term without a belief and passion. Oh, yes, I have seen people -- through the passion of getting rich quickly -- climb to the top, but it is built upon greed and not upon sound principles. Their business is built like a house of cards and in a short period of time, many fall apart.
It is imperative that anyone desiring to build a MLM home based business for the long run must have a passion for the company and its products and services. That passion will attract others who also want to be a part of the marketing campaign. They, too, will embrace the owner’s passion, and this will drive them to success, too.
Check out the top leaders who have been with a company for many years. Their passion for what they do will be evident. It is rare to find anyone at the top for any length of time just because they saw the money.
So, it is necessary that a potential home business owner -- before signing up with any MLM home based business -- must research the company to make sure it is all that is written about it. It is essential to use the products and services for a period of time to make sure that there is a positive experience with them. Check out the leadership and make sure they have the experience and a system that will insure success. And, finally, a potential MLM home business owner must ask himself if this is a business that he can believe in and could eventually have a passion to build.
It’s only when the answer is “yes” to these questions that signing up and becoming involved with any MLM home based business opportunity should even be considered.
Too many people get into this industry for the wrong reasons and that is why they fail. Joining for the right reasons will make a huge difference in succeeding or failing. Passion is a key reason for successful growth in any business – either a present one or a future one.
The Key To Success In A MLM Home Business
In my opinion, a key to succeeding in this industry is having a strong belief and passion for the company and its products or services.
It’s interesting that many sales training books don’t elaborate on the need for belief and passion to succeed in business. I believe all of the attributes of a great sales person are backed by a passion of some type. In our case, passion is an intense, extreme, or overpowering feeling for a cause represented by the company’s products or services.
The authors of sales books talk about having the right mental attitude – that is, desiring, to succeed, setting goals and achieving them, and becoming a great leader. How do you find the drive to enact these without a passion for the MLM home based business – and its products – you have chosen to build? For example, how can you have a positive mental attitude about your business without having a belief and passion for it?
Too many people are brought into a MLM home based business because of the promise of an easy business to do and a ton of money to be made in a short period of time. Oh, the products and services are presented, but the major push is on the big money that can be made.
The challenges we all face
When beginning a MLM home based business, so many challenges lie ahead. Here are just a few that a new owner may confront:
.Complacency– many new business owners never get started. They are afraid they don’t know enough or don’t know where or how to start
.Anxiety and fear about sharing the business or the products and services to people, including friends and family – becoming a secret agent of the business. What will they think about me?
.Fear of Rejection – a “no” for some people is a nail to the heart. They would rather sleep on nails than be told “no”.
.Fear of Failing – nobody likes to lose. A few “no’s”, and the very thing that’s feared actually becomes reality.
.Negative self-talk – that inner voice saying, “I told you this wouldn’t work. What were you thinking, joining this business anyway?”
.Lack of strong leadership – another reason many people fail in a home-based business. No leadership and guidance means trying to do something that has never done before and doing it right the first time. That isn’t likely to happen.
.Giving up – it doesn’t take long for the new business partner to say, “Maybe this business isn’t for me. It just didn’t work out.”
When a person starts a MLM home based business for the wrong reasons -- primarily greed, wealth and fortune, and the desire to get rich quickly -- then all of the aforementioned factors will have an adverse affect.
When enrolling because of belief in the company, the MLM home business owner often has very positive experiences with the products and services offered and becomes a passionate evangelist for those products and the company. Add to that a strong leadership team that keeps the business owner plugged into the latest news and product information; teaches solid skills training; and consistently gives positive feedback and encouragement, a strong belief and passion slowly will begin to develop. This will go a long way in enabling endurance for the many challenges that lie ahead.
It’s interesting that many sales training books don’t elaborate on the need for belief and passion to succeed in business. I believe all of the attributes of a great sales person are backed by a passion of some type. In our case, passion is an intense, extreme, or overpowering feeling for a cause represented by the company’s products or services.
The authors of sales books talk about having the right mental attitude – that is, desiring, to succeed, setting goals and achieving them, and becoming a great leader. How do you find the drive to enact these without a passion for the MLM home based business – and its products – you have chosen to build? For example, how can you have a positive mental attitude about your business without having a belief and passion for it?
Too many people are brought into a MLM home based business because of the promise of an easy business to do and a ton of money to be made in a short period of time. Oh, the products and services are presented, but the major push is on the big money that can be made.
The challenges we all face
When beginning a MLM home based business, so many challenges lie ahead. Here are just a few that a new owner may confront:
.Complacency– many new business owners never get started. They are afraid they don’t know enough or don’t know where or how to start
.Anxiety and fear about sharing the business or the products and services to people, including friends and family – becoming a secret agent of the business. What will they think about me?
.Fear of Rejection – a “no” for some people is a nail to the heart. They would rather sleep on nails than be told “no”.
.Fear of Failing – nobody likes to lose. A few “no’s”, and the very thing that’s feared actually becomes reality.
.Negative self-talk – that inner voice saying, “I told you this wouldn’t work. What were you thinking, joining this business anyway?”
.Lack of strong leadership – another reason many people fail in a home-based business. No leadership and guidance means trying to do something that has never done before and doing it right the first time. That isn’t likely to happen.
.Giving up – it doesn’t take long for the new business partner to say, “Maybe this business isn’t for me. It just didn’t work out.”
When a person starts a MLM home based business for the wrong reasons -- primarily greed, wealth and fortune, and the desire to get rich quickly -- then all of the aforementioned factors will have an adverse affect.
When enrolling because of belief in the company, the MLM home business owner often has very positive experiences with the products and services offered and becomes a passionate evangelist for those products and the company. Add to that a strong leadership team that keeps the business owner plugged into the latest news and product information; teaches solid skills training; and consistently gives positive feedback and encouragement, a strong belief and passion slowly will begin to develop. This will go a long way in enabling endurance for the many challenges that lie ahead.
A Key to your MLM Home Business
Too many people join a MLM home based business based on the promise of wealth and fortune alone. They enroll with the simple idea that all they have to do is “sign up three who will get three who get three”. The concept sounds so simple that they jump right in, and after a short period of time, quit because “the system” didn’t work for them.
As a network marketer and business owner who has walked the trail of tears, I am weary of the lies and deceit that pervades the industry.
While MLM home based businesses have various compensation plans, the traditional MLM model of “three who get three who get three” is an example I am using here. It is a simple business model that looks easy to do. Simply, it is a business template that a company implements to help the company’s representatives market the company’s products and grow their business. The process of building a MLM home based business requires much more effort and desire to succeed than is seen on the surface.
While it’s true that there is potential to make a lot of money in this industry, it is also true that it takes time and effort to envision the opportunity as an ongoing journey. When people join a MLM home based business solely because of the promise of wealth and fortune, it doesn’t take long before they are checking out and are never heard from again. The reason? Greed is not a long-term motivator. Most want to get rich quick and when that doesn’t happen, they quit.
As a network marketer and business owner who has walked the trail of tears, I am weary of the lies and deceit that pervades the industry.
While MLM home based businesses have various compensation plans, the traditional MLM model of “three who get three who get three” is an example I am using here. It is a simple business model that looks easy to do. Simply, it is a business template that a company implements to help the company’s representatives market the company’s products and grow their business. The process of building a MLM home based business requires much more effort and desire to succeed than is seen on the surface.
While it’s true that there is potential to make a lot of money in this industry, it is also true that it takes time and effort to envision the opportunity as an ongoing journey. When people join a MLM home based business solely because of the promise of wealth and fortune, it doesn’t take long before they are checking out and are never heard from again. The reason? Greed is not a long-term motivator. Most want to get rich quick and when that doesn’t happen, they quit.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
"Find Out Why Leads And Companys In An MLM Tell You To Make A List Of Your Warm Market. . . .But You Never See Their Friends or Family . . . ."
Read My Free Report Now And Find Out How To BecomeYour Upline Instead Of Building Someone Else's Downline.
Learn How Most Of The Leaders In This Business GotThere, And Why They Don't Teach You What They Do.
This Free Report May Save You Hundreds,Even Thousands Of Dollars, If You ReallyWant To Make A Living In This Business.
"If You Really Want Success In This Business, Leave Your Warm MarketAlone, Stay On That Free-Dinner ListAnd Use All The Money You Save ToInvest In Real Marketing Techniques"
Read This Free Report Now And Find Out How You CanShow Up At The Top And Crash The Party, Adding DozensOf New Reps Every Week Without Ever Leaving Home.
Learn How Companies And Leaders In ThisIndustry Reproduce Reps Like Rabbits.
. Get my free report from my web site at http://www.myeasymlmway.com or email her at www. rmgrabow@mainstaycomm.net
Learn How Most Of The Leaders In This Business GotThere, And Why They Don't Teach You What They Do.
This Free Report May Save You Hundreds,Even Thousands Of Dollars, If You ReallyWant To Make A Living In This Business.
"If You Really Want Success In This Business, Leave Your Warm MarketAlone, Stay On That Free-Dinner ListAnd Use All The Money You Save ToInvest In Real Marketing Techniques"
Read This Free Report Now And Find Out How You CanShow Up At The Top And Crash The Party, Adding DozensOf New Reps Every Week Without Ever Leaving Home.
Learn How Companies And Leaders In ThisIndustry Reproduce Reps Like Rabbits.
. Get my free report from my web site at http://www.myeasymlmway.com or email her at www. rmgrabow@mainstaycomm.net
Monday, June 8, 2009
I will Show You How To Add People Into Your Home
I will Show You How To Add People Into Your Home
Business Fast
From The Desk of Rosemarie Grabowski
Information for the Thirsty Network Marketer
A very simple way to add dozens of people per week into your MLM Home Based business? What would you say if I told you there was a way, Don't feel bad you're not alone. I didn't believe it was possible either.
" I Knew There Had To Be A Better Way... "
"I Finally Stumbled On The Secrets That Are Absolutely Essential To Add Dozens Of People Per Week Into A MLM Business... ANY MLM Business…"
You see, I consider my self extremely lucky. Unlike some of MLMers, it took me only one bad experience -very expensive one to figured things out. Now, I have the keys that you need to begin exploding your home based business - step by step. I've compiled my experience, expertise and all of my closely guarded secrets and put them on paper. I held nothing back on this one. For the first time EVER I'm sharing these tightly kept secrets. I've put everything in one place and this is the ONLY place you can get your paws around this extremely highly sought after information. I like to call it my "No Holding' Back, All Revealing Free Report.
Forewarning:This report is NOT for folks who are looking to get enough information to add 3-5 reps per month in to MLM Home Based Business.
This information is way to valuable to be abused and neglected like that. This information was compiled for the serious NOT someone seeking to have some fun with their business or someone who treats it like a hobby. This is guerilla like information that I'm sharing - the kinda information that will give you the freedom and the lifestyle that you've sought for years. Don't go buy the Ferrari tonight…implement this information first and watch your bank account pile up.
Here are just a few things I'll be sharing with you in this 'First Time EVER Released No Nonsense Report':
How to have people clamoring to get into your business BEFORE you've ever even spoken with them (I threw this one in here as a goodie because it's such a common question).
How 3-Way calling and working your warm market are the 2 biggest variables that lead to the 95% failure rate in this industry.
The 3 MOST IMPORTANT characteristics that anyone who is serious (not curious) about making a 6 or 7 figure income MUST possess.
How to position yourself as a leader and an expert in your field (trust me…this is a biggie and leads to huge, rapid growth when it's done correctly).
The single, most important ingredient that's essential to your MLM Home based business (and currently missing) that can have you adding reps faster than a greyhound on steroids.
Keep Reading…It Gets Better
But wait… I'm not done yet. This report is in high demand. All I've received is rave reviews when I share it with others. I truly have a love and passion for helping others and for sharing information that can literally change lives. I'm not done giving away goodies yet. Because, bluntly put, I want to give you enough compelling reasons for you to get my report.I've told you I love changing lives and working with others, but I'm also pretty selective about who I work with. I want to work with those who are serious about blowing up their business…at lightning speed. So, here's what I've done. If you're truly serious about turbo charging your business and taking things to a higher plateau…a whole new planet - request your FREE REPORT NOW - RIGHT NOW, Learn for yourself How to be successful in your home business!!
To Your Success
Business Fast
From The Desk of Rosemarie Grabowski
Information for the Thirsty Network Marketer
A very simple way to add dozens of people per week into your MLM Home Based business? What would you say if I told you there was a way, Don't feel bad you're not alone. I didn't believe it was possible either.
" I Knew There Had To Be A Better Way... "
"I Finally Stumbled On The Secrets That Are Absolutely Essential To Add Dozens Of People Per Week Into A MLM Business... ANY MLM Business…"
You see, I consider my self extremely lucky. Unlike some of MLMers, it took me only one bad experience -very expensive one to figured things out. Now, I have the keys that you need to begin exploding your home based business - step by step. I've compiled my experience, expertise and all of my closely guarded secrets and put them on paper. I held nothing back on this one. For the first time EVER I'm sharing these tightly kept secrets. I've put everything in one place and this is the ONLY place you can get your paws around this extremely highly sought after information. I like to call it my "No Holding' Back, All Revealing Free Report.
Forewarning:This report is NOT for folks who are looking to get enough information to add 3-5 reps per month in to MLM Home Based Business.
This information is way to valuable to be abused and neglected like that. This information was compiled for the serious NOT someone seeking to have some fun with their business or someone who treats it like a hobby. This is guerilla like information that I'm sharing - the kinda information that will give you the freedom and the lifestyle that you've sought for years. Don't go buy the Ferrari tonight…implement this information first and watch your bank account pile up.
Here are just a few things I'll be sharing with you in this 'First Time EVER Released No Nonsense Report':
How to have people clamoring to get into your business BEFORE you've ever even spoken with them (I threw this one in here as a goodie because it's such a common question).
How 3-Way calling and working your warm market are the 2 biggest variables that lead to the 95% failure rate in this industry.
The 3 MOST IMPORTANT characteristics that anyone who is serious (not curious) about making a 6 or 7 figure income MUST possess.
How to position yourself as a leader and an expert in your field (trust me…this is a biggie and leads to huge, rapid growth when it's done correctly).
The single, most important ingredient that's essential to your MLM Home based business (and currently missing) that can have you adding reps faster than a greyhound on steroids.
Keep Reading…It Gets Better
But wait… I'm not done yet. This report is in high demand. All I've received is rave reviews when I share it with others. I truly have a love and passion for helping others and for sharing information that can literally change lives. I'm not done giving away goodies yet. Because, bluntly put, I want to give you enough compelling reasons for you to get my report.I've told you I love changing lives and working with others, but I'm also pretty selective about who I work with. I want to work with those who are serious about blowing up their business…at lightning speed. So, here's what I've done. If you're truly serious about turbo charging your business and taking things to a higher plateau…a whole new planet - request your FREE REPORT NOW - RIGHT NOW, Learn for yourself How to be successful in your home business!!
To Your Success
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Why Avoiding Failure Is So Important With Our Home Based Business?
Sit back and grab a cold beverage. Read this short message - we're about to get a bit intimate and share a few things about us personally and discuss the anatomy of success and why avoiding failure is so IMPORTANT.
Enjoy. From the Desk of Rosemarie Grabowski
I can still vividly recall when wI first got started in the home based business arena. A lot of these memories aren't too fond. Here's just a few of the items that I was doing:
1. Passing out THOUSANDS of brochures.
2. Fliers at local malls and movie theaters.
3. Tens of thousands of emails (yes, losing numerous ISP's in the process).
4. Having our friends and families practically run and hide from us.
5. Countless hotel meetings.
6. Hosted way too many house parties.
This is just the short list. I could go on and on. I could also share with you financial statements that would absolutely FRIGHTEN YOU!
Why am I sharing this?
The honest truth is that I want you to know that I have been through some VERY rough times. It can be downright frustrating and exhausting. Maybe you can relate to that.
You're out there every single day on the front line working your tail off and not seeing the results that you're looking for. I know exactly how that feels. I have lived in your shoes. It's not a fun spot to be in. Today, we're going to change that (more on this in a few minutes).
Maybe you're there right now. Maybe you're still doing some of the things we're referencing - some of the things that statistically don't work for most network marketers.
I have been at the top of the world and at the bottom too - it wasn't too long ago where I literally had to dig under the bottom of our seat cushions to snatch up dimes and quarters to purchase lunch from McDonalds Value Menu.
Embracing Failures
Embrace your successes AND your failures...
As a matter of fact...take PRIDE in your failures.
In part, they're what make you...well...you.
They're what ultimately make a business successful.
We can't learn without failures - IT'S NOT POSSIBLE.
In a weird sort of way failures actually speed up the learning process. I know it sounds strange, but think about it for a second. If we're doing something that's not working what does that really say about us. For starters, the obvious...
I am doing "something". Taking action. If those actions aren't working, I now know what doesn't work - I am at least one step closer to understanding what will work.
Failures expedite UNDERSTANDING - which is at the core of knowing what will work and the "why" behind it.
Mentorship = Shortcut To Success
Another ingredient to expediting the learning curve is finding someone who is already doing what you're striving to accomplish and study them. I can't tell you how many marketers, leaders and entrepreneurs we have studied - dozens if not hundreds over the years.
They have been pivotal to our successes and accomplishments - we would be LIGHT YEARS behind where we are now without studying and IMPLEMENTING their knowledge and teachings.
You can't have success without implementation of something - and it must be executed properly.
Remember, earlier when we discussed pain and frustration - you were out there on the front line working hard, but it felt like you were essentially running in place?
Better Career and Life Direction It is also a good idea to practice setting a schedule not only for work but for your career and life plans as well. Setting a schedule for your career allows you to see the bigger picture, and envision what you want your career to look like in say 5 or ten years. Setting a schedule for your life goals also allow you to focus more on the things you want to achieve personally, such as owning a home biz or early retirement.
Sit back and grab a cold beverage. Read this short message - we're about to get a bit intimate and share a few things about us personally and discuss the anatomy of success and why avoiding failure is so IMPORTANT.
Enjoy. From the Desk of Rosemarie Grabowski
I can still vividly recall when wI first got started in the home based business arena. A lot of these memories aren't too fond. Here's just a few of the items that I was doing:
1. Passing out THOUSANDS of brochures.
2. Fliers at local malls and movie theaters.
3. Tens of thousands of emails (yes, losing numerous ISP's in the process).
4. Having our friends and families practically run and hide from us.
5. Countless hotel meetings.
6. Hosted way too many house parties.
This is just the short list. I could go on and on. I could also share with you financial statements that would absolutely FRIGHTEN YOU!
Why am I sharing this?
The honest truth is that I want you to know that I have been through some VERY rough times. It can be downright frustrating and exhausting. Maybe you can relate to that.
You're out there every single day on the front line working your tail off and not seeing the results that you're looking for. I know exactly how that feels. I have lived in your shoes. It's not a fun spot to be in. Today, we're going to change that (more on this in a few minutes).
Maybe you're there right now. Maybe you're still doing some of the things we're referencing - some of the things that statistically don't work for most network marketers.
I have been at the top of the world and at the bottom too - it wasn't too long ago where I literally had to dig under the bottom of our seat cushions to snatch up dimes and quarters to purchase lunch from McDonalds Value Menu.
Embracing Failures
Embrace your successes AND your failures...
As a matter of fact...take PRIDE in your failures.
In part, they're what make you...well...you.
They're what ultimately make a business successful.
We can't learn without failures - IT'S NOT POSSIBLE.
In a weird sort of way failures actually speed up the learning process. I know it sounds strange, but think about it for a second. If we're doing something that's not working what does that really say about us. For starters, the obvious...
I am doing "something". Taking action. If those actions aren't working, I now know what doesn't work - I am at least one step closer to understanding what will work.
Failures expedite UNDERSTANDING - which is at the core of knowing what will work and the "why" behind it.
Mentorship = Shortcut To Success
Another ingredient to expediting the learning curve is finding someone who is already doing what you're striving to accomplish and study them. I can't tell you how many marketers, leaders and entrepreneurs we have studied - dozens if not hundreds over the years.
They have been pivotal to our successes and accomplishments - we would be LIGHT YEARS behind where we are now without studying and IMPLEMENTING their knowledge and teachings.
You can't have success without implementation of something - and it must be executed properly.
Remember, earlier when we discussed pain and frustration - you were out there on the front line working hard, but it felt like you were essentially running in place?
Better Career and Life Direction It is also a good idea to practice setting a schedule not only for work but for your career and life plans as well. Setting a schedule for your career allows you to see the bigger picture, and envision what you want your career to look like in say 5 or ten years. Setting a schedule for your life goals also allow you to focus more on the things you want to achieve personally, such as owning a home biz or early retirement.
What About Cold Calling Does it Work?By Rosemarie Grabowski Business Growth Specialist
The term "cold" is used because the prospect did not set up the conversation with the marketer and did not ask to have that conversation. Every marketer has his or her own experience with cold calling. Cold calling refers to the marketing strategy wherein the marketer calls a prospective customer over the telephone or latter not expecting the call or the visit.
Cold calling could seem at first as just picking up the phone to talk to people about your product and marketing opportunity. However, given a day or two (or a few hours) of cold calling, you will surely very very tired and will soon wonder if cold calling does work. Here are a few reasons why cold calling is less than ideal as a marketing strategy.
Cold calling is not time-efficient
Just like face to face marketing, cold calling will require you to talk to only one person at a time. How many minutes do you think you will need to introduce yourself, deliver your pitch, and answer a prospect's questions (supposing he or he stayed on for that long). Multiply that to the number of prospects you wish to call in a day. That is one long day full of talking that will only connect you with a handful of people per day.
Cold calling is not welcome
Let's say you wish to talk to 30 people in a day. How many do you think will respond positively to a phone call that interrupted their day, maybe even their meal (everybody's allowed to have a late lunch)? Many marketers who have tried out cold calling will tell you that they got very few positive responses from the ones they called. Evaluate your own reaction whenever someone gives you a cold call. Did you notice that you were suddenly frowning and skeptical towards the marketer on the other end of the line? Is it any wonder that you get poor positive statistics as a marketer?
Cold calling requires marketing talent
Let's face it. There are those whom people listen to whenever they talk. They're pretty smooth and everything they say simply sounds credible and exciting. The same message, however, will fall on deaf ears if delivered by a person who is not as savvy and smooth. Cold calling is already challenging for the ordinary marketer. How much more if the prospect smells the marketer's fear and uncertainty? He may not be able to satisfy the prospect's questions enough to get a positive response.
Cold calling is not a totally bad idea; it is one technique that you will find in the marketing strategy plan of more than 90% of marketers. But what you will find is that it is not used effectively. Wouldn't it be be wiser to prospect by calling those who already have a need or want or desire for what you have? This is what is called cold targeted calling. You see, I don't want to spend my time talking with people that don't even see a need for my type of product - in fact, trying to convince someone that they need what I have is a great way to make people angry. By nature, we don't like pushy-salespeople; we like people that offer or solve our problems.
So really grow your business, one should develop a program of this type of cold leads, positioned data from article marketing or the internet and other marketing strategies. After all, you can not get everyone with just one marketing method.
Rosemarie Grabowski
Business Growth Specialists
The term "cold" is used because the prospect did not set up the conversation with the marketer and did not ask to have that conversation. Every marketer has his or her own experience with cold calling. Cold calling refers to the marketing strategy wherein the marketer calls a prospective customer over the telephone or latter not expecting the call or the visit.
Cold calling could seem at first as just picking up the phone to talk to people about your product and marketing opportunity. However, given a day or two (or a few hours) of cold calling, you will surely very very tired and will soon wonder if cold calling does work. Here are a few reasons why cold calling is less than ideal as a marketing strategy.
Cold calling is not time-efficient
Just like face to face marketing, cold calling will require you to talk to only one person at a time. How many minutes do you think you will need to introduce yourself, deliver your pitch, and answer a prospect's questions (supposing he or he stayed on for that long). Multiply that to the number of prospects you wish to call in a day. That is one long day full of talking that will only connect you with a handful of people per day.
Cold calling is not welcome
Let's say you wish to talk to 30 people in a day. How many do you think will respond positively to a phone call that interrupted their day, maybe even their meal (everybody's allowed to have a late lunch)? Many marketers who have tried out cold calling will tell you that they got very few positive responses from the ones they called. Evaluate your own reaction whenever someone gives you a cold call. Did you notice that you were suddenly frowning and skeptical towards the marketer on the other end of the line? Is it any wonder that you get poor positive statistics as a marketer?
Cold calling requires marketing talent
Let's face it. There are those whom people listen to whenever they talk. They're pretty smooth and everything they say simply sounds credible and exciting. The same message, however, will fall on deaf ears if delivered by a person who is not as savvy and smooth. Cold calling is already challenging for the ordinary marketer. How much more if the prospect smells the marketer's fear and uncertainty? He may not be able to satisfy the prospect's questions enough to get a positive response.
Cold calling is not a totally bad idea; it is one technique that you will find in the marketing strategy plan of more than 90% of marketers. But what you will find is that it is not used effectively. Wouldn't it be be wiser to prospect by calling those who already have a need or want or desire for what you have? This is what is called cold targeted calling. You see, I don't want to spend my time talking with people that don't even see a need for my type of product - in fact, trying to convince someone that they need what I have is a great way to make people angry. By nature, we don't like pushy-salespeople; we like people that offer or solve our problems.
So really grow your business, one should develop a program of this type of cold leads, positioned data from article marketing or the internet and other marketing strategies. After all, you can not get everyone with just one marketing method.
Rosemarie Grabowski
Business Growth Specialists
Friday, June 5, 2009
Importance of Setting a Schedule
Whether you work from home or at an office, one of the disciplines that you must cultivate is setting a schedule of activities. Setting a schedule is such a basic part of work that its importance is often overlook. A schedule is a powerful thing. A schedule is essentially a goal that you set for yourself on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis in order to get the things that you want out of life.
However, thanks to the myriad ways that we can be distracted (internet, instant messaging, face book) our schedules sometimes get thrown by the wayside. This decreases out productivity, which is the reason that we need to work longer hours. For you to really appreciate the importance of setting a schedule, here are a few reasons top help you focus.
Get More Things Done The first thing setting a schedule does is to make us more productive. If you don't have a schedule to follow, you will most likely work haphazardly. Setting a schedule allows you to see the most pressing jobs that you need to focus on and what deliverables you need to work on first. Knowing which ones to work on first will allow you to allot more time to a task. The more time you are able to allot, the more productive you will be.
Minimizes Distractions Another positive effect of setting a schedule is that you are able to ignore distractions better. One good way to avoid distractions is to also schedule distracting activities. Allow yourself a five minute break everytime you finish a milestone on your schedule. Setting a schedule that includes little distractions is also healthy. This make you want to work more, and be able to refresh your mind with an activity you like.
More Time for Family and Leisure You must never forget why you are working in the first place. You work to live, not live to work. Another good reason to take setting a schedule seriously is that it frees up more time for leisure activities and for spending time with your loved ones and your family. Since you are more productive, you don't need to take on extra hours, which could be better spent relaxing at home.
Better Career and Life Direction It is also a good idea to practice setting a schedule not only for work but for your career and life plans as well. Setting a schedule for your career allows you to see the bigger picture, and envision what you want your career to look like in say 5 or ten years. Setting a schedule for your life goals also allow you to focus more on the things you want to achieve personally, such as owning a home biz or early retirement.
These are just some of the benefits of setting a schedule, as many more can be said in support for it. This list will hopefully allow you to start setting a schedule for yourself.
However, thanks to the myriad ways that we can be distracted (internet, instant messaging, face book) our schedules sometimes get thrown by the wayside. This decreases out productivity, which is the reason that we need to work longer hours. For you to really appreciate the importance of setting a schedule, here are a few reasons top help you focus.
Get More Things Done The first thing setting a schedule does is to make us more productive. If you don't have a schedule to follow, you will most likely work haphazardly. Setting a schedule allows you to see the most pressing jobs that you need to focus on and what deliverables you need to work on first. Knowing which ones to work on first will allow you to allot more time to a task. The more time you are able to allot, the more productive you will be.
Minimizes Distractions Another positive effect of setting a schedule is that you are able to ignore distractions better. One good way to avoid distractions is to also schedule distracting activities. Allow yourself a five minute break everytime you finish a milestone on your schedule. Setting a schedule that includes little distractions is also healthy. This make you want to work more, and be able to refresh your mind with an activity you like.
More Time for Family and Leisure You must never forget why you are working in the first place. You work to live, not live to work. Another good reason to take setting a schedule seriously is that it frees up more time for leisure activities and for spending time with your loved ones and your family. Since you are more productive, you don't need to take on extra hours, which could be better spent relaxing at home.
Better Career and Life Direction It is also a good idea to practice setting a schedule not only for work but for your career and life plans as well. Setting a schedule for your career allows you to see the bigger picture, and envision what you want your career to look like in say 5 or ten years. Setting a schedule for your life goals also allow you to focus more on the things you want to achieve personally, such as owning a home biz or early retirement.
These are just some of the benefits of setting a schedule, as many more can be said in support for it. This list will hopefully allow you to start setting a schedule for yourself.
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