Saturday, July 25, 2009

“Here's Your One Chance To Legally Steal The 'Secret Technique' I Use

Income For Life!"

"Here's Your One Chance To Legally
Steal The 'Secret Technique' I Use

And "Yes!" It Works Even If You’ve Got No Tech Skills,No Salesmanship & You’ve Never Made A Dime Online!

Dear Friend,

ow would you like to have a simple technique in your back pocket that can generate thousands of dollars each month at the drop of a hat?

I thought so.

The fact is that if you’re looking to build your business lightning fast and get paid royally through every step of the process: this is the only guide you’ll ever need!

The gurus have been using this "secret tweak" to generate millions of dollars right before your eyes…only you never realized what was happening. Until now…

Here’s the catch.

I’m only giving a minuscule group of fast-movers access the "secret tweak" for free. Why? I need to confirm that the way I’m explaining this method is easy enough for even the rawest rookie to understand and implement today.

That means I need your feedback now before I launch it to the world for top dollar. Learn How to Ad people, make Money As you grow your business.
Rosemarie Grabowski
PC Security & Identity
Theft Protection
308 687 6085

Make Money at Home With a MLM Business Opportunity

Keys to Make Money. . . .

What makes one person in a MLM Business Successful and another a failure? Why do some struggle to make money and Others work and make money?

A simple answer to these questions. No. Yet, there are keys to being successful in a MLM Business. Opportunity's begin with choosing the right company for the right reasons. It has to do with the person's attitude, mindset, and desire. It's as much about the individual as it is the company or the products and services it provides.

Two of the keys I'm sharing are all about you. . . .

They are the ones that will make the difference of whether you succeed or not. The other keys are very important, but nothing will happen without you.

Key #1: You have to recognize the opportunity when you see it

You may think opportunity it is all about money. That is wrong.

It's about the timing.

It is best to find an MLM business opportunity that offers emerging products and services. Is the company really on the cutting edge of research and technology or are they talking a good line? Where do you see the company and industry headed in the next five to ten years? Where do you see the need in the market place in the coming years, is it going up or down?

Opportunity is about the company and its products and or the services and the growth potential in the market place. What is the quality of the products or services offered? Does the company stand behind them? How are they different from the competition? Are they affordable? Do they fill a need no one else is supplying? Are these products or services you can believe in?

Key #2: Have the desire to make your business profitable

I know it sounds silly, but it is true.
To succeed and make money at home you have to have a desire to make money - more money than you spend. In other words, make a profit.

You have to see yourself working the business and succeeding.

You must visualize the end results and see yourself successful. See it! Feel it! Sense every bit of it. Your subliminal mind will take over and direct your actions for success.

Without desire you will go nowhere. You must have a burning desire to achieve what you want. Does the business opportunity have the ability to do that for you? What are your dreams and goals? Does the company help you achieve them?

You have to believe in the company, its leaders and products and services.

You have to believe in yourself and your ability to make money at home with this company.

You must have a sense of purpose. You must know where you want to go in business and in life.

Will the business take you there?

Your desire, belief and purpose have to be so high that fear goes out the window. You are on a mission and you will complete it no matter what the obstacles.
Making A Difference By My Faith
Rosemarie Grabowski
Business Growth Specialists

Keys To Make Money At Home With a MLM business

Here are the " Keys to Make Money at Home with a MLM business Opportunity:"

Recognize that to create wealth you must leverage other people's time and energy

Know and understand leveraging is the key to success. Show me a large company anywhere in the world and I will show you leveraging. Companies hire employees to do the work that wouldn't be possible if only one person did it. By leveraging companies are able to produce products and services for the masses.

A MLM business opportunity allows you do the same thing. As an independent representative you are a distributor of their products and services. Your job is to do two things: gather customers and find people who want to build a business just like you, business partners.

As you find and train business partners you leverage your time and energy. A synergy begins to grow where the sum of the efforts actually out performs the number of people in your organization. That is how you build solid long-term wealth with a MLM business.

Have a strong desire to create residual income

We all understand the concept of residual income. You do something once and you get paid for it over and over again. Residual income is the key to everyone's success. Once you have learned the secrets to leverage other people's time and energy residual income will come your way.

You can earn residual income with either products or a service oriented company .. .

However, I have found a services oriented MLM business opportunity is more likely to have lasting residual income. Here's why:

When you sell products they tend to operate on a month- to-month basis with the only connection to long term being auto shipment.

On the other hand, when you sell services there is generally an annual contract. The services are billed month-to-month but the commitment is much longer. Service oriented customers tend to stay with the company a lot longer thus giving you a longer lasting residual income opportunity and a great way to make money at home.

You must take action to get the ball rolling

Everything we do takes action. Even the simplest of things like mowing the lawn, driving to the store, or going to work every day. It all takes action.

Building a MLM Business opportunity requires action, too. In fact, it takes a lot of action to get it rolling. You will have to work hard in the beginning. You might not see much activity for weeks or maybe months. It can be challenging.

Your desire, belief and purpose are going to carry you and get you past the challenges. You will take action because you mentally see the results. You believe you will succeed.

To make money at home and achieve your goals you must take action every single day.

You must do the things that will grow your business and build the long-term residual income you desire.

Rosemarie Grabowski
PC Security & Identity
Theft Protection
308 687 6085
A foundation you can work from

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The tip-top 1% of all network marketers are not doing any of the following things

- 3-Way Calling-
Making Lists of Friends and Family-
Buying Those Overpriced Opportunity Leads-
Throwing Home Parties /
Meetings- Sitting At Home, Hoping Somebody Will Build Their Business For them

And yet...the top 1% are making 95.3% of all the money earned innetwork marketing!

Is that a coincidence? The answer is absolutely not.

There are some very real differences between what the top incomeearners are doing and what the rest of the net workers are taught todo.

Are you ready for the truth about network marketing? Or are youstill thinking that you will just magically find '3 who find 3' andyour business will grow by itself?

If you've been invited before, and you didn't respond in time, orif you just weren't lucky enough to get a spot on one of is you chance.

The last " How To " Business Briefing was booked up in 75minutes. This time, we have opened the lines a bit in order to letmore network marketers that are tired of chasing their friends andfamily...tired of guessing about how to grow theirbusiness...tired of being fed the same old motivational speechesfrom their company and up line...tired of failing.

If you are truly serious about learning how to easily add 20, 30,or even 40 people per week into your down line (using tools thatyour up line and company don't even know about), then book your spotnow on our International Business Briefing.


This Next Briefing will be @ 7:00 pm eastern time (6:00 pm cen time, 5:00 pm mtn time, 4:00 pm pac time)


International Briefing Line ... see below how to get that phone information.

The "How To" Business Briefing Line (you can stay home anddial in)

What Is Required To Attend:

1. You must be active in your network marketing or retail business

2. You must want to create a significant income with your business

3. You have read my "Painless Secrets To MLM" guide cover to cover.

Just to be clear...

This briefing is definitely not for everyone. There are manypeople in network marketing have the "lottery" mentality. They arenot serious about growing a business. They might be big talkers,but not big doers. They sign up, hoping to make millions, but whenit comes down to it, they aren't that serious about doing what ittakes to truly become successful.

You must have the willingness to learn what the new generation ofsavvy network marketers are doing to build their massive down lines.

The information on this briefing routinely takes people'snetworking businesses from below zero to the six-figure levelincomes. There's no hype, no get-rich-quick rhetoric orsilver-bullet fixes...just the most rock-solid business-growthinformation you will ever get.

If you are serious about growing your business, get on the phoneand reserve you spot now.To reserve you spot, call my office at (308 687 6085). You will deliberately go to voice mail. Because of the volume we receive for this call, please leave your name, the company you are currently working with, how long you have been in network marketing and of course your call back number.

I will personally contact you and set you up with the number and pin code for the briefing if we still have space for you.

Responding to this email will not reserve your seat.Don't let anyone or anything stand in the way of your dreams!

Talk soon, Your Business Growth Specialist
Making A Difference By My Faith
Rosemarie Grabowski

Discover First Hand How To . . . .

My question to you, Do you have a dream, a burning desire, enthusiasm, fearlessness, gratitude, hope, passion, and tenacity ?
If so, you can discover, first hand, how to ...
- create a steady stream of prospects that are reaching out to you...asking you for more information about your products and services ...
- write sales letters
- have a capture page that positions you as the expert
- write reports to establish your expertise
- be like the major players in network marketing that produce a 6 or 7 figure annual income
This information has already changed the lives of hundreds before you - now it's your turn to discover how to build a colossal organization, maintain staggering retention rates and learn the secrets to generate dozens or even hundreds of leads every single day ...
Want to create your own independence day, you'll call me ...
Your Business Growth Specialist
Making A Difference By My Faith
Rosemarie Grabowski