Think about this for a second...
What happened when you first got signed up with your company...and be honest here. More than likely, you were all excited, you received your "start up" kit, products and maybe even some marketing material.
What happened next? You went to the meetings and conventions in hopes to learn how to build your business. You were told to hand out DVD's, hold home parties, pass out product samples, business cards, posted fliers by the droves, etc...
Building a business, any business, is about knowledge. You don't see traditional companies writing lists of their warm markets do you? Network marketing is no different than any retailer on the planet. If they don't sell products, they don't get paid. If you're not moving products, you don't get paid either.
It literally took me years to finally discover the real secret of building a business. It had
NOTHING to do with my warm market, passing out product samples or ANY of the traditional "stuff" taught by most in this great industry.
It ultimately boils down to one word...MARKETING
Our ability to communicate with others based upon THEIR needs - NOT our own. We're nothing more than problem solvers. A potential prospect/customer hops online searching for a solution to a problem they're facing...maybe they're looking to create more income from home...maybe they're looking for a solution to an acne issue they're encountering...maybe they're looking for a way to protect their PC from viruses. You get the picture...
We're problem solvers. Nothing more, nothing less. Those who understand this in conjunction with how to communicate with others, both orally and using the written word, win the game and create towering commission checks.
It's our job to put a message in front of them as they're out there online revealing their problem and what they're looking for - when you can master this process the game gets a WHOLE LOT easier.
It all starts with knowledge...then properly applying it. Doctors, lawyers, business professionals go to school prior to practicing in their chosen field - then they find employment to apply what they've been taught in the class room.
Network marketing does JUST THE OPPOSITE. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this industry, but the process has been backwards for more than 50 years and there's nothing taking place right now that will change this.
We get our "startup package", get the products, review the compensation and dabble with the products a bit and you're officially in business for yourself. Now what? Most have no idea of the most important factor that dictates success. One must become a marketer and truly understand the art and science of how do we learn the appropriate skill necessary to have prospects approaching us?
Most don't know what to do, when to do it and how to make it happen.
That's the name of the game. If you're serious, dead serious about having 10, 20 or more leads every day flooding your email inbox - this is what MUST take place. There's no doubt the most effective and the fastest way to build a massive downline is by learning how to generate your OWN leads and then learning how to create a system that recruits those prospects into your business.
If learning the skill of marketing is something that you believe will help take your business to the next level, I want you to stop what you're doing...
And call me.
You can reach me at 308 687 6085.
It will likely go to voice mail. Leave me your first name, telephone number (with the area code), the name of the company you're with and the biggest struggle you're encountering with building your business.
Honestly, stop what you're doing and call me. You have nothing to lose, but a huge downline to gain.
Applied knowledge creates massive commission checks.
I'm committed to your success.
Your Business Growth Specialist
Rosemarie Grabowski
308 687 6085
243 2nd Avenue, Saint Libory, Nebraska 68872, USA.