Showing posts with label cheap leads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheap leads. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2010

Your First 6-FIGURE MONTH In Network Marketing...

If you're looking to create your first 6-figure MONTH in network marketing, pay very close attention to this short message...

Yes, your first 6-FIGURE MONTH in network marketing...

A couple of weeks ago I shared a very valuable report (there was no charge) - if you haven't grabbed it yet, take a moment to get your copy

Inside, you'll discover:

==> 5 essential building blocks to building a towering organization.

==> Why buying leads can be the WORST business investment you'll ever make.

==> How to properly position yourself as an expert & leader in the industry to have prospects approaching you by the droves.

==> How to start the extremely powerful journey of creating your first 6-figure month. Not year...MONTH.

Grab your copy right here.....

I'm committed to seeing you become successful. Don't let yourself down. You CAN build a massive business. You just need the appropriate direction to make it happen.

Your guide to success,

Rosemarie Grabowski

Business Building Expert

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Buying Leads, It's True, Surely is for the Birds

The real key in building an organization...quickly, is to learn how to generate an endless flood of leads that are already looking for what you have.

We spent a long time (and piles of cash) buying fancy opt in opportunity seeking leads, telephone verified leads, etc - you name it, we were on the market for it.

It wasn't until we really began understanding marketing that we were making a BIG mistake doing those things. At the end of the day, it's not just about the lead, but how they came into your "system" or marketing funnel - and then, what you do with that date, the most prized possession your business has.

The objective is to position yourself as the expert/leader so prospects want to speak with YOU.

The problem is that when you buy leads, this doesn't take place - the prospect likely went to a generic "opt in" page, submitted their details and had absolutely no idea what would happen next.

It's also typical that the opt in page they submitted their details on was heavily incenticized...meaning the page offered them something that may have had absolutely nothing to do with starting a home based business. Lead generation companies do this to increase conversion rates and the amount of opt ins they receive (so they can sell more data). Good for them...bad for you.

Limited Time Offer:

If you're looking to know the real secrets and how the top 1% income earners generate their own leads by the droves, you're in for a real treat. Showing you some of the industry's seldom shared, covert tactics to generating dozens or even hundreds of leads every single day.

People that already want to speak with you about your products and your opportunities.

1. You need to have been in the network marketing industry for at least 6 months.

2. You must have a big reason WHY. What is your motivation? What keeps you going when you fall down?

3. The most important MUST be willing to learn. I'm going to share with you a major paradigm shift that will open you up to an entirely different way of thinking about your business.
If you meet the above requirements, I want you to pick up your phone and call me at
308 687 6085

Yes, that's my direct line. If I don't pick up, leave me the following details:

1. Your first name.

2. Your phone number with the area code.

3. The name of the company you're with.

Have a great week!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cheap MLM Leads - Four Tips on Finding Them

The success of your business will depend on you having an endless supply of leads.How would you like to find cheap MLM leads? You may be asking yourself,"How do I find MLM leads, never mind cheap ones?" I have found some tips to help me find prospects that in turn become customers and reps in my business.
Following four tips to help me find prospects

The first tip to finding cheap MLM leads in knowing who your target market is. Your market for your product or service fills a need, want or desire of this prospective customer. Focusing in on the benefits of your product or service will address your customers need, want or desire for that product.

The second tip to finding cheap MLM leads is going on line and searching for those who already purchased similar products or services to yours with the same benefits. People tend to repeat habits. If they bought a product once, they will buy it again.

The third tip to finding cheap MLM leads is searching for those who are already in an MLM company similar to yours. Again, going on line, you will find thousands of personalized company websites of those representatives in MLM companies. These people are already vested in the concept of MLM. And again, they will tend to repeat their habits.

The fourth tip to finding cheap MLM leads is working with lead brokers. There is a science to getting free leads to test from these brokers. In your search on line, go to the second or third page to find smaller "pop" kind of lead brokers. They are willing to let you test data so that you can come back and buy bigger quantities.

Truth be told, cheap MLM leads are the lifeblood of any business. You need prospects to become customers. You are constantly, or at least should be, always looking for the next prospect.

To discover the Painless Secrets to business building techniques and a free report titled, "The Power House Report for Network Marketers" please visit

Rosemarie Grabowski is a home-based-business consultant living in Nebraska who is currently helping hundreds of people to achieve their business dreams.

Rosemarie can be reached at:

308 687 6085