Showing posts with label build a business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label build a business. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2010

Donald Obstacles To Conquer

A little over a year ago (almost to the day) a gentlemen called me. His name was Donald. He had a few obstacles that he was in the middle of conquering...

==> He was going through a pretty nasty divorce and custody battle.

==> He was laid off just a few days before he called me.

==> He had more than $45,000.00 in credit card debt.

He had a whole slew of other things as well taking place that I won't get into because I want to get to the good stuff.

OK, so what does any of this have to do with you anyway? Maybe you can relate with Robert - things were really down and out in his life. BUT...

He KNEW he could make it happen. When he called, I could literally hear it in his voice. I knew he was a WINNER and could accomplish anything that he wanted to. If he could overcome all of the other obstacles, he could easily build a business.

Fast forward to yesterday...

Just yesterday, Robert called me. He wasn't doing good. He's doing AMAZING. He's averaging 4 new associates per week into his business. Yes, he still has a JOB (part time), but he's doing what he loves and helping others with 75% of his time.

Robert also deeply thanked me for what we had done for him. He said without the help and hand holding that he's received over the past 12 months he probably would have been living on the streets worrying about his next meal.

He told me that he never could have done it by himself...the reality is that we did nothing. I said, "Robert, YOU did all the work - we guided you and showed you the path. You are the one who made it happen".

Now, Robert has prospects calling and emailing him every day looking for more information about his products and opportunity.

If you want the same for your business I want you to pick up your phone right now and call me at 308 687 6085.

HOWEVER - you must have a sincere desire to build a business and be willing to WORK. Robert had both of these critical ingredients. He did exactly what he needed to do.

Remember, it all started with a simple phone call. Don't wait around on this. Now it's your turn.

308 687 6085

If it goes to voice mail - on the message state, your first name, the name of your company, your phone number (with the area code) and your single biggest struggle.

Honestly, what do you have to lose? Probably very little, if anything. What could you gain from picking up your phone? Well, your business could be growing like Robert's.

Don't procrastinate on this. Right now, you could very well have an opportunity of a life time that just fell on your lap...pick up your phone already.

Committed to your success,

Rosemarie Grabowski

Business Building Expert

308 687 6085