Thursday, November 12, 2009


You Have To Know More Than Just The Information About Your Product And Service…

You need to become a marketer. This might come as a shock to many who have heard :

At The End Of The Day, It Really Only Takes 3 Things To Succeed In Network Marketing……And If You Bring These 3 Ingredients To The Table, I Will Guarantee That You Can Be Creating A Windfall Of Cash, Part-Time, With Your Business Starting Today

Here they are:

all about wanting to achieve that success that had always eluded me. Nobody likes to
lose, and after all the losses I had experienced, I vowed to myself that I would discover
the way to succeed in this industry, no matter what. After all my wife and family had
sacrificed, and sticking by my side all those years, I needed to give them something, a
better life. All those setbacks just stoked that BURNING DESIRE TO SUCCEED.

2. YOU MUST BE WILLING TO LEARN. Look, if you think you have it all figured out
(and you have the cash to prove it), then I honestly wish you the best of luck. When I
first started learning how to succeed, I had to become a student again, and I had to be
willing to learn. If you truly want to become wealthy, you must always be willing and
open to learning. The wealthiest people on earth all have the habit of being willing to

3. YOU MUST BE WILLING TO APPLY WHAT YOU LEARN. Look, you can do all the
studying and desiring you want, but if you never apply these things, it just won’t happen.
If you’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, then save yourself the time and trouble and
GO BUY A LOTTERY TICKET AND HOPE FOR THE BEST. It takes a focused effort to apply
what you’re learning if you hope to get results.

Even With These 3 Things, You Need One More Tool To Help Get You To Where You Want To Be…You must know how to market your business.

Watching so many networkers come and go, I get to see some similarities. One of the things that happens when a person goes to one of these company-You Have To Know More Than Just The Information About Your Product And Service…YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO MARKET!

I really hope this has been interesting and helpful. Again, to speak with me personally
call me at 308 687 6085.
When you call, let me know:

1. How long you've been in network marketing.
2. Your first name and number (with the area code).
3. Your single biggest struggle. What's holding you back from building a massive Reliv
Thanks for taking the time to get some of the facts about this industry, and I look
forward to providing you with more honest information in the near future.

To Your Success, Rosemarie Grabowski

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Looking For A Simple Easy Way To Work Or Play On Our Computer.

It is important that every individual, family and business have a computer repair service plan in place to protect themselves from these cyber terrorist.

A slow running computer or a computer that crashes frequently may be a sign of Malware (Trojans, viruses, worms, and other malicious code) on your computer. These hacker tools not only can be used to steal sensitive information from your computer they slow your computer down or even cause computer crashes. Unfortunately, traditional over-the-counter computer protection products don’t keep up with this growing problem. If they did would we continue to have these problems?

Over the last three years there’s been a huge shift from curious hackers to professional hackers creating devious methods to steal proprietary information from computers like yours. This evolving threat is costing individuals and businesses tens of billions of dollars every year. V. McNiven, an advisor to the U.S Department of treasury has stated, "The proceeds from cyber are now greater than the sale of illegal drugs.

These evil hackers continue to find more devious ways of stealing financial and proprietary information. It is important that every individual, family and business have a computer repair service plan in place to protect themselves from these cyber terrorist.
You might be surprised to learn that computers that don’t go online are vulnerable through file sharing from infected flash drives, cds and floppies. These devices, when infected, can install scrambling software or logic bomb software that opens up the possibility of extortion to get your proprietary information back
2007 PC Magazine survey of 42,000 PCs worldwide released last September showed the top speed killers.

The problems included:

  • Over 52 percent of the PCs surveyed were clogged up with spyware.

  • Over 60 percent of the PCs surveyed had un-optimized Internet settings slowing the Internet down and even signaling that spyware and other malware have secretly stolen portions of your bandwidth to run on your PC.

  • Surveyed computers also contained an average of twelve serious registry problems per unit that may have been caused by spyware and other malware.
    Incredible, many of these computers are supposedly protected by the over-the-counter products that aren’t doing what they promise to do. So how can individuals and small businesses protect against identity theft, fraud and extortion? How can they get their computers back to running like new again?

Here are six crucial steps to protecting your computer and making it fun and productive again:

1. Keep your computers patched. Microsoft has automatic patch updates. Make sure are signed up to receive them.

2. Use professional enterprise grade anti-virus and anti-spyware at the email and web gateways. Install a professional grade by-directional firewall to guard against backdoor threats.

3. Use sender-authentication technologies, such as Sender Policy Framework (SPF) to make phishing far more difficult since – In theory – phishers will only be able to send their spam from "unapproved" domains.

4. Develop and enforce a password policy. This will make passwords difficult to be guessed. Use a different password for each situation. Make sure these passwords are changed frequently. If you use one password for every web site, for example, and a phisher manages to steal it, all of your online activity is at risk. Sophos, an enterprise grade Internet Security Company, recently conducted a business poll and discovered 41 percent of the respondents were using the same password for all web sites.

5. Keep an eye on the advice from organizations promoting safe computing. Many of their web sites will list the latest threats, and give advice on how to protect your home and business against them.

6. Always report suspicious activity.

Just as important, find a computer repair service that offers "Personal Computer Services." Your personal computer service should include online repair at no additional cost. The end result: hassle-free computing making being on the computer fun and productive again. With the right computer repair service, using computers at home and at work should be hassle-free allowing you to focus more on your home and business activities.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Buying Leads, It's True, Surely is for the Birds

The real key in building an organization...quickly, is to learn how to generate an endless flood of leads that are already looking for what you have.

We spent a long time (and piles of cash) buying fancy opt in opportunity seeking leads, telephone verified leads, etc - you name it, we were on the market for it.

It wasn't until we really began understanding marketing that we were making a BIG mistake doing those things. At the end of the day, it's not just about the lead, but how they came into your "system" or marketing funnel - and then, what you do with that date, the most prized possession your business has.

The objective is to position yourself as the expert/leader so prospects want to speak with YOU.

The problem is that when you buy leads, this doesn't take place - the prospect likely went to a generic "opt in" page, submitted their details and had absolutely no idea what would happen next.

It's also typical that the opt in page they submitted their details on was heavily incenticized...meaning the page offered them something that may have had absolutely nothing to do with starting a home based business. Lead generation companies do this to increase conversion rates and the amount of opt ins they receive (so they can sell more data). Good for them...bad for you.

Limited Time Offer:

If you're looking to know the real secrets and how the top 1% income earners generate their own leads by the droves, you're in for a real treat. Showing you some of the industry's seldom shared, covert tactics to generating dozens or even hundreds of leads every single day.

People that already want to speak with you about your products and your opportunities.

1. You need to have been in the network marketing industry for at least 6 months.

2. You must have a big reason WHY. What is your motivation? What keeps you going when you fall down?

3. The most important MUST be willing to learn. I'm going to share with you a major paradigm shift that will open you up to an entirely different way of thinking about your business.
If you meet the above requirements, I want you to pick up your phone and call me at
308 687 6085

Yes, that's my direct line. If I don't pick up, leave me the following details:

1. Your first name.

2. Your phone number with the area code.

3. The name of the company you're with.

Have a great week!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

3 Things You Need To Success In Network Marketing

There are really only 3 things you need to success in network marketing;

  • MLM product or service that people want,
  • the right skills to share and close the sale,
  • and people to talk to.

If you have a network marketing product that no one wants, your home based business is dead in the water. If you have a great MLM product but you don’t have the skills to close the deal, you might make a sale or two out of shear luck but your network marketing business will fail. If you have the skills and the product that everyone wants but you don’t have anyone to talk to, you once again have a problem.

Let’s assume that you have the MLM product that everyone wants (not likely but it’s fun to dream) and you also have the skills to close your fair share of the sales. Now let’s get you some people to talk to. But not just any network marketing lead, targeted leads for your MLM business.

In the network marketing industry, we call them leads. And MLM’ers are always on the look out for the best leads. I’m going to let you in on a little secret.


That’s right, all leads stink. Let me explain further by saying that there are varying degrees of stinkyness but they all do smell like a dirty garbage can. Today is about how to get your hands on the right garbage can so that you won’t have to waste a lot of time.

Three different types Leads can be broken down into :

Demographic Leads – These leads are going to be your most basic type of lead. Demographic leads are collected based on consumer characteristics such as age, gender, marital status, family size, education, geographic location, and occupation.

Response Leads – These leads are collected based on a consumer responding to something. The prospect may have filled out a survey, ordered a magazine, asked for more information on a product or something along those lines.

Buyer File – A buyer lead is going to be collected based on what the consumer bought.

Let your product and your target market determine what the best lead is for you. What you are marketing will determine what kind of lead you want to work with. For instance, if you are marketing electricity with a MLM Company like Ignite Energy or Ambit Energy, then you may want to start with the demographic leads because your MLM service is only available in certain locations.

Don’t buy a huge list of leads. Most lead brokers will try to get you to buy 5,000 or more leads your fist time out. This just tells me that they sell a crappy product and don’t expect you to buy from them again.

Don’t tell the lead broker that you are in a MLM or a network marketer. Tell them you have a business that sells whatever product or service you have.

Be ready to use your leads as soon as you get them. Don’t let your leads sit around getting moldy, get on the phone.

Keep track of your numbers. You want to keep track of how many people you actually reach on your lead list, how many disconnects there are etc. If you have a more than 10% disconnect rate, tell your lead broker. In most cases they will replace the list at no charge.

Okay, that’s all that I can give you today on the subject of leads. I hope this information helps you with your network marketing venture. Until next time, have a great MLM day.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That’s When I Learned The Secret To Network Marketing

It’s not in your warm market, or in the ridiculously expensive business opportunity leads, or in the ads in the newspaper, or in the self-replicating website that your company offers.

The secret is YOU! You have to have the training to be an effective network marketer. You have to know how to prospect, attract an audience, get their attention, and most of all, you have to know how to close your own sales. You have to master the technology to do all of this; the telephone, the Internet, and ad copy.

How do you learn to master all of these things and why didn’t they tell you this when you got started with your home based business that you were going to have to learn how to do all of this stuff? Why did they tell you that the product practically sells itself?

Well the reason your MLM company and your sponsor didn’t tell you that you would have to master things like sales and marketing is because if they did, most people wouldn’t get started. It’s easier to tell you that you have to get 2 (or 3, or 4) who get 2 (or 3, or 4) and like magic you are making more money than you ever dreamt about making. If they told you that the 2 people you did get probably won’t do anything to get their 2 people, or the next 2 people, you wouldn’t have joined the business in the first place. Instead, they tell you that they will help you to grow your MLM business. Unfortunately, they know about as much about marketing as your cat.

As for where to go to learn how to master using the telephone, Internet, and ad copy, you can learn all of those things from the same place that I did. On Stage Marketing and because I am a certified graduate of this training I will help you by coaching you and mentoring you personally.

And To Prove It "On Stage Marketing Is Willing To Spend One Hour Of Their Time With You, Absolutely FREE, Live, To Show You Exactly How To Make It Happen. In Just One Hour, We Will Guarantee You Will Be Earning $50,000 Per Year Within 12 Months With Any Home Based Business Or MLM"

We understand that we can’t help everyone. We work with people live, not through videos, books, or tapes. For this reason, we strictly limit how many people we work
with on a monthly basis.

You know what, let’s take this one step further. Just to make sure I don’t waste your time (I’m sure you have your doubts) I’ll do this…

If you are serious about wanting to grow you network marketing business and you contact me within the next 48 hours. Here’s what I will do. I recognize that you’ve probably been promised the moon and the stars by every network marketing guru under the sun. I’m sure you’ve heard it all and bought most of it. So, I’ll make it worth your time. If you make an appointment within 48 hours, I will actually show you how I can put $ in your pocket just for spending an hour of your time with us.

It’s easy to get an appointment. Just pick up the phone and call me, Rosemarie Grabowski at 308 687 6085.

Just think! You’ll never again be forced to suffer through another lost sale or the pain and hassle of trying to cold prospect the usual way again.

Don’t waste another day doing what you already know doesn’t work. Pick up the phone and find out how you can add 20-30 people a week into your business. Guaranteed! Call 308 687 6085 Now!

How One Network Marketer Went From Broke To Being A Master Network Marketer

Have you ever wondered how the heavy hitting network marketers get to be a leader in their MLM Company? They didn’t all start out at the top. How does someone get from broke to the top of the compensation plan? It not luck. It’s hard work but it’s work that can be made easier with the right skills.

Master Network Marketer Barbara Thiel

Discover how this single mom with a polish accent went from being broke to a master network marketer making a very good life for herself and her son. Listen in as Barbara Thiel talks about her journey to success. It wasn’t all peaches and cream. It fact it was a lot of hard work. But through strength, perseverance, and a little help from a couple of guys, she was able to make her dream of a better life come true.

Barbara is ready to spill the beans when it comes to network marketing.

Inside this interview we will be discussing:

  • What 3 things she learned from her MLM company that didn’t work.

  • What one secret she found that turned it all around.

  • What every network marketer should know if they want to become a leader in their company.

Find out if you have what it takes to be a leader in your MLM company. Barbara will talk about a program that everyone can get with a guarantee for success.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

It Comes Down To One Word, Marketing

Let me start off by saying that network marketing is a GREAT industry with a great business model, however, most people get it all wrong.

Think about this for a second...

What happened when you first got signed up with your company...and be honest here. More than likely, you were all excited, you received your "start up" kit, products and maybe even some marketing material.

What happened next? You went to the meetings and conventions in hopes to learn how to build your business. You were told to hand out DVD's, hold home parties, pass out product samples, business cards, posted fliers by the droves, etc...

Building a business, any business, is about knowledge. You don't see traditional companies writing lists of their warm markets do you? Network marketing is no different than any retailer on the planet. If they don't sell products, they don't get paid. If you're not moving products, you don't get paid either.

It literally took me years to finally discover the real secret of building a business. It had

NOTHING to do with my warm market, passing out product samples or ANY of the traditional "stuff" taught by most in this great industry.

It ultimately boils down to one word...MARKETING

Our ability to communicate with others based upon THEIR needs - NOT our own. We're nothing more than problem solvers. A potential prospect/customer hops online searching for a solution to a problem they're facing...maybe they're looking to create more income from home...maybe they're looking for a solution to an acne issue they're encountering...maybe they're looking for a way to protect their PC from viruses. You get the picture...

We're problem solvers. Nothing more, nothing less. Those who understand this in conjunction with how to communicate with others, both orally and using the written word, win the game and create towering commission checks.

It's our job to put a message in front of them as they're out there online revealing their problem and what they're looking for - when you can master this process the game gets a WHOLE LOT easier.

It all starts with knowledge...then properly applying it. Doctors, lawyers, business professionals go to school prior to practicing in their chosen field - then they find employment to apply what they've been taught in the class room.

Network marketing does JUST THE OPPOSITE. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this industry, but the process has been backwards for more than 50 years and there's nothing taking place right now that will change this.

We get our "startup package", get the products, review the compensation and dabble with the products a bit and you're officially in business for yourself. Now what? Most have no idea of the most important factor that dictates success. One must become a marketer and truly understand the art and science of how do we learn the appropriate skill necessary to have prospects approaching us?

Most don't know what to do, when to do it and how to make it happen.

That's the name of the game. If you're serious, dead serious about having 10, 20 or more leads every day flooding your email inbox - this is what MUST take place. There's no doubt the most effective and the fastest way to build a massive downline is by learning how to generate your OWN leads and then learning how to create a system that recruits those prospects into your business.

If learning the skill of marketing is something that you believe will help take your business to the next level, I want you to stop what you're doing...
And call me.

You can reach me at 308 687 6085.

It will likely go to voice mail. Leave me your first name, telephone number (with the area code), the name of the company you're with and the biggest struggle you're encountering with building your business.

Honestly, stop what you're doing and call me. You have nothing to lose, but a huge downline to gain.

Applied knowledge creates massive commission checks.

I'm committed to your success.

Your Business Growth Specialist
Rosemarie Grabowski
308 687 6085

243 2nd Avenue, Saint Libory, Nebraska 68872, USA.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Increasingly Resorting To Botnets Are Click Fraud Scammers

Recently, extremely bad news for advertisers running PPC campaigns, Click Forensics has seen some horrific scenarios in which as much as 30 percent of a monthly ad budget is swallowed by Bahama botnet click-fraud traffic. This is why being educated on cybersecurity issues is CRITICAL for your financial survival as a marketer!

Click Forensics is a company which provides services to monitor ad campaigns for click fraud and they report on click fraud incidence every quarter of each year. Click Forensics has been warning recently that click fraud scammers are increasingly resorting to botnets, which are networks of ordinary consumers’ PCs that have been secretly compromised for a variety of malicious tasks.

Sophisticated Botnet Causing a Surge in Click Fraud Click Forensics has been warning recently that click fraud scammers are increasingly resorting to botnets, which are networks of computers that have been secretly compromised for a variety of malicious tasks.
The Bahama botnet is masking the source of its clicks to convince click-fraud filters they are coming from high-quality, legitimate sources, such as U.S. libraries and schools. The botnet is also altering the "interval and breadth" of the attacks from the compromised PCs, according to

Click Forensics.

A new botnet has caused a sharp spike in click fraud because it is skirting the most sophisticated filters of search engines, Web publishers and ad networks, according to Click Forensics.

The company, which provides services to monitor ad campaigns for click fraud and reports on click fraud incidence every quarter, said on Thursday that the botnet's architects have figured out a way to mask it particularly well as legitimate search ad traffic.

Click Forensics is calling this the "Bahama botnet" because initially it was redirecting traffic through 200,000 parked domains in the Bahamas, although it now is using sites in Amsterdam, the U.K. and Silicon Valley.

Click fraud affects marketers who spend money on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on search engines and Web pages. It happens when a person or a machine clicks on a PPC ad with malicious intent or by mistake.

For example, a competitor may click on a rival's PPC ads in order to drive up their ad spending. Also, a rogue Web publisher may click on PPC ads on its site to trigger more commissions, which is probably what's behind the Bahama botnet. Click fraud also includes nonmalicious activity that nonetheless yields a click of little or no value to the advertiser, such as when someone clicks on an ad by mistake or two consecutive times.

In a piece of extremely bad news for advertisers running PPC campaigns, Click Forensics has seen worst-case scenarios in which as much as 30 percent of a monthly ad budget is swallowed by Bahama botnet click-fraud traffic.

Ordinary users' PCs are made part of the Bahama botnet with malware. Click Forensics found links to the malware in search results for queries about the non-existent Facebook Fan Check virus.

Last week, security company Sophos and Facebook both warned that malicious hackers were setting up malware-infested Web sites that falsely claimed to remove a non-existent virus from a new Facebook application called Fan Check.
False rumors spread that Fan Check infected PCs with malware, so scammers tried to capitalize on the concern that many Facebook members had about the application.

As Facebook members used popular search engines to find antivirus information about Fan Check, they got results that pointed to sites that offered false virus removal kits and instead infected their computers with malware.

Click Forensics is in contact with major search engines, ad network providers, advertisers, publishers and security companies regarding the Bahama botnet and ways to address it. Neither Google nor Yahoo, which operate the two largest search engines and PPC ad networks, immediately responded to a request for comment.

Click Forensics also said the botnet malware is "extremely similar" to the "scareware" program found in malicious ads that The New York Times was tricked into serving up on its Web site last weekend. Before the Times eliminated them, the ads displayed pop-up messages falsely telling users their PCs were infected so they would buy a fake anti-virus program.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The MLM and Network Marketing industry has changed.

These days, it's the savvy marketers that know their target markets that are generating the huge residual incomes from home. I'll tell you up front that the information contained on this site may not be for everyone. In fact, you might even find some of this information disturbing, because it is so different from everything else you've been told about growing a huge network marketing business. I'm certainly not trying to offend you...far from it!

First, who am I? My name again is Rosemarie Grabowski, and I live in a small town in rural Nebraska. I have been involved in the MLM industry for some time. When I first joined, I was given the same run-around about how to grow my business (the "list of 100 friends and family", handing out flyers and throwing home meetings/ parties, etc). However, that didn’t work at all –

I ended up spending way more money than I was making, and I was only signing up 1 or 2 people per month into my business.

I began to suspect that there was something more to MLM success, so I began to do in-depth research into this business, and study the top income earners. I discovered some shocking facts about the MLM industry:

Fact # 1.
Over 98% of all networkers never make a penny from their business

Fact # 2.
Most networkers will spend $200 - $500 on products and registration to get into business

Fact # 3.
The average networker will quit the business after 3-4 months...after bringing in 2-3 people into the company

Fact # 4.
After quitting, 1 out of 6 distributors will continue to use the product
Now before you get discouraged, let me tell you…there are some amazingly powerful secrets to

MLM success that can turn those numbers upside down.
In fact, after discovering these statistics, something very strange happened...

"Out Of The Blue, A Single Phone Call Changed Everything"

On a Wednesday evening, I was driving home when my phone rang. It was a number I had never seen before, and the voice on the other end of the line was unfamiliar. I was asked the question that changed my life:

"Rosemarie, would you like to learn the truth about how to add 20 distributors per week into your business?"

"How could I do that?"...I asked.

"Good question" he said. "Do you have a pen?"

"He Then Explained To Me The Most Shocking, Straight-Forward, Business-Growth Strategy I had Ever Heard"

That was when the veil was lifted, and what I saw blew me away. For the first time, I had the full, behind-the-scenes story on what works easily, nearly effortlessly to build a huge business from scratch! No more arm-twisting. No more convincing. I started finding people that already had a need for what I had to offer, and I was able to solve their problems based on their needs, not my own. Once I did that, well...

"It Worked So Well, I Nearly Felt Guilty For Having Such An Unfair Advantage Over Other People In The MLM Industry"

I started to realize how few people there are that are actually using these secretive techniques and strategies to build their businesses. After seeing the failure rate in MLM, I have decided to put together the most comprehensive, top-to-bottom MLM Insider Report on how anybody can grow a huge organization...starting from scratch. I see it as the least I can do to give back to an industry that has given me so much.

Here's just a preview of the information included in this Report:

ow to have people clamoring to get into your business BEFORE you've ever even spoken with them (This secret alone is enough to triple your weekly enrollments)

How to create a hungry audience that can’t wait to hear about your products and services WITHOUT leaving your home.

Simple things you can do RIGHT NOW to add more reps NEXT WEEK than you have in the past 60 days.

The MOST IMPORTANT characteristics that anyone who is serious (not curious) about making a 6 or 7 figure income in the Network Marketing industry MUST possess.

How to position yourself as a leader and an expert in your field (trust me…this is VITAL and leads to huge, rapid growth when it's done correctly).

The single, most important ingredient that's essential to your business (and currently missing) that can have your business growing so fast your upline will be spying on you.

How to immediately begin adding 28+ new distributors into your business on a weekly basis (that’s not a typo, I said on a weekly basis)

A proven and simple technique that takes 48 seconds to literally remove the words, "I’m not interested" from any prospect you’ll EVER speak with again.

The most powerful forms of marketing that will have prospects approaching YOU by the droves instead of you chasing them (hint; you’ll never have to bug your friends and family again or make a 3-way call).

The 4 critical components to look at when evaluating a home based business.
And much, much more!

So how much is this information going to cost you? That's the best part...I'm going to offer this information to you absolutely free of charge. But here's the catch: I can only offer it free for the next 45 savvy networkers that pick it up. After that, I'm going to re-evaluate demand and see if I should start charging for it. This information would have saved me years of time, effort, and energy. If you are serious about taking your business to the next level, I would recommend taking action now.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cheap MLM Leads - Four Tips on Finding Them

The success of your business will depend on you having an endless supply of leads.How would you like to find cheap MLM leads? You may be asking yourself,"How do I find MLM leads, never mind cheap ones?" I have found some tips to help me find prospects that in turn become customers and reps in my business.
Following four tips to help me find prospects

The first tip to finding cheap MLM leads in knowing who your target market is. Your market for your product or service fills a need, want or desire of this prospective customer. Focusing in on the benefits of your product or service will address your customers need, want or desire for that product.

The second tip to finding cheap MLM leads is going on line and searching for those who already purchased similar products or services to yours with the same benefits. People tend to repeat habits. If they bought a product once, they will buy it again.

The third tip to finding cheap MLM leads is searching for those who are already in an MLM company similar to yours. Again, going on line, you will find thousands of personalized company websites of those representatives in MLM companies. These people are already vested in the concept of MLM. And again, they will tend to repeat their habits.

The fourth tip to finding cheap MLM leads is working with lead brokers. There is a science to getting free leads to test from these brokers. In your search on line, go to the second or third page to find smaller "pop" kind of lead brokers. They are willing to let you test data so that you can come back and buy bigger quantities.

Truth be told, cheap MLM leads are the lifeblood of any business. You need prospects to become customers. You are constantly, or at least should be, always looking for the next prospect.

To discover the Painless Secrets to business building techniques and a free report titled, "The Power House Report for Network Marketers" please visit

Rosemarie Grabowski is a home-based-business consultant living in Nebraska who is currently helping hundreds of people to achieve their business dreams.

Rosemarie can be reached at:

308 687 6085

"You're About To Learn The Guarded

Secrets That Most Network Marketers Will Never Know About How To Really Succeed In Network Marketing ..."

When you register for the FREE Special Report "How To Add 27 Reps - The Insider Report" you'll discover secrets like...

Why 97% of network marketers fail, and how to avoid their mistakes

A step by step, fail proof method to adding 3-5 reps a day - starting TODAY
How to guarantee your downline succeed, stay motivated and active!

How to use the internet (legally) to have hundreds of people a day contacting you asking to speak to you (the expert) about joining your business

How to build your team, so you can enjoy your successes, relax, go on vacation - instead of running around "baby sitting" your team like most "successful" people in your upline
My personal secret for recruiting massive downlines in countries where you don't even speak the language!...

Plus a WHOLE lot more FREE

Rosemarie Grabowski
308 687 6085

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If you're looking to use the Internet as a super effective weapon to build your business, pay very close attention to this brief message...

It's been quite some time since I've made any one-on-one business building spots available where you have the opportunity (at no charge) to speak with a business building on one.

We'll, for a very brief window and the first 15 who take swift action and call into the business success line, you're going to learn:

==> How to generate an endless supply of leads of prospects that are approaching you for more information about your products, services and your opportunity every single day.

==> How to turn the single, greatest liability of your business into a cash producing ATM machine...

==> How to literally have prospects that are lining up to speak with you...on demand.

==> How to flip a switch and generate a windfall of cash - ANY time you want!

And so much more...

Again, there is NO charge for Business Building Session either...
However, you must meet the following requirements:

1. You must be willing to work your business at least 7 hours per week.

2. You must be in network marketing for at least 3 months (I want people that are familiar with "the ropes".

3. You must be committed to building your business and have a big "reason why".
If you meet those 3 requirements, pick up your phone right now and dial:

308 687 6085

This is my (Rosemarie's) personal line. It will deliberately go to voice mail (a technique I use to weed out those who aren't all that committed to building a business). On the message leave:

1. Your first name.

2. Your telephone number (with the area code)

3. The name of the program that you're working

4. Your single, biggest struggle with building the business.

This is for the first 15 callers only - the spots will be snatched up extremely quickly and they're on a first come, first served basis.

Call Right Now: 308 687 6085
Committed to your success,
Your Business Growth Specialist
Rosemarie Grabowski

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

To Say I Tried Everything Would Be A Huge Understatement…

Everything I was trying was failing miserably. I bought the double opt in leads, created huge lists of my warm market, 3-way called (until my upline said to stop) and tried literally everything in the book. To be honest, I tried most things multiple times. It still didn’t work. The only thing that was growing were my credit card bills and my mounting debt!

Beat Up, Abused, Pride Less – hopelessdown and out

Would Describe Exactly How I Felt…

I wasn’t sure what I was doing wrong, but I do know that what I was doing needed to change – and to change FAST. With mounting debt, dismal results and an outright attack on my pride I had to do something quickly. What I was doing wasn’t working – and actually, it was counter productive.

One day, while surfing the net, I received a rather strange phone call from an absolute stranger. The question that he proposed to me was quick and simple. It went like this, "Would you like to know the explosive secrets of building a huge business that will create an army of workers, people that followed instruction and a plethora of product users that would continue to purchase product month after month, year after year?"

I was literally thrown off my rocker!

Full of denial and skepticism I said – "Yes, I Want A Huge Downline!"
That simple phone call literally transformed my life forever. I will NEVER be the same again.

I mmediately, I realized that to make it to the top I had to:

  • Stop 3-way calling

  • Never again market to my friends and family

  • Stop traveling to hotel meeting

  • Stop handing out flyers, Dvds, business cards, promotional materials, etc.

Basically, I learned that practically everything I had been doing had to IMMEDIATELY STOP if I was serious about producing a 6 figure monthly income.

The "Mistake" That I Will Be Forever Grateful For…

I now have prospects climbing mountains and willing to walk through the Hottest Desert to speak with me about my products and services – but I had to learn the secrets first…

And now, for the first time ever, I’m releasing the "The Power House Report For NetworkMarketers’ Will Reveal: The absolute quickest, single method to grow your business at blazing speeds (hint; your leaders do this technique daily, but never talk about it)."
" to the general public.

You’ll need to act quickly though. I’ve authorized my publishing company to strictly limit delivery at just 35 copies per day. The information is too explosive to give out all over the place and (freely) give this to any sap who requests it.

  • Please do not apply if you meet one or more of the following:

  • You’re not willing to work 5-7 hours per week in your business

  • You believe that free information can not help you in your business efforts

  • If adding more than 3 reps a day into your team scares you
    You already believe that you truly have ‘all the answers’ (I’m not sure how you made it this far)

  • You’re lazy, treat your business like a 'hobby' or got into a home-based business to have a ‘write off’ for tax purposes.

Making a difference,
Rosemarie Grabowski
Business Growth Specialists
308 687 6085

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Discover The Shameless Truth About Growing A Huge Downline

"Regardless Of Where You’re At Currently With Your Business – I Will Show You Step-By-Step How To Turn Your Business Into A Rep Producing Power House In LessThan 60 Minutes…

...You’re About To Access Insider Secrets That I’m Revealing In My ‘Power House Report For Network Marketers’ – And It’s 100% FREE!"

Fellow Home Based Business Owner –
Let me cut straight to the thick of things. My name is Rene Martell. It is a statistical fact that over 95% of network marketers never make a dime in this industry. The odds aren’t very pretty.

However, when we sit and look at what’s taught in this industry those dreaded failure numbers aren’t surprising.

Here’s why. From a ‘business model’ does it really make sense to make a list of your friends and family, constantly make 3 way calls to your upline, hand out piles of audios and cd’s (after you’ve paid bucket loads of cash for ‘em) and most of the other techniques that are frequently taught in this industry?

Do any of these battered marketingtechniques sound familiar?

  • Driving all over town meeting ‘hot prospects’ that never actually sign up (but they did enjoy the free meal).
  • Making a list of your friends and family – the longer the list, the better – but do they actually sign up (take a peek at your organization – are they all family members)?
  • Purchase a ton of product inventory so you have it on hand (not to mention all of those ‘must have’ product samples).
    Hosting home parties.
  • Set huge goals and targets for yourself and your business.

If you ‘think’ it – it will happen.

This list could practically go on indefinitely.

Bluntly Put – These Techniques Do Not WorkAnd Will Never Work For The Masses!
Those are not ways to grow a huge business. They never have been. I’m not knocking these companies, the way they run their businesses or any of the choices they make.

I’ve been in the network marketing industry for quite some time. Honestly, the biggest variable to your success has absolutely nothing to do with the companies, their compensation plan, all the literature, the audios and cd’s or even the product!

Your success is dictated entirely by you – and the choices that you make. Not your upline, your company or your product. YOU.

I’ll be the first to tell you that success is simple. It’s not easy. You have to have a proper skill set and knowledge to grow a successful organization. Just because someone puts down a few bucks and is now ‘self employed’, this does not entitle that person to success.

Success Is Earned – It Is NOT A RIGHT.

That’s the entire reason I’ve created the ‘The Power House Report For Network Marketers’. Honestly, it’s not really even a report. That’s severely understating its content. Here’s what it is and what it’s going to reveal to you.

Before I share the nitty gritty details I want you to meet my personal mentors. Terry Duff and Gino Niccoli. At the time of writing this memo they’ve helped nearly 6,000 home based business owners dig themselves out of the trenches.

You may have seen them on TV or in various other forms of media. Combined, they bring 35 years of training and marketing expertise to the table.

I can honestly state that I now have the knowledge and ‘know how’ to add a mind boggling 20-30 reps per week. Every week. All because of what I’ve learned from these 2 gentlemen.
For a very brief time they’ve agreed to share their most elusive and closely guarded secrets. Currently they’re allowing the general public to take a peek behind the iron curtain and see exactly how to grow a huge downline. This extremely rare opportunity won’t last much longer.

My recommendation:

Take Action Today!

‘The Power House Report For NetworkMarketers’ Will Reveal:

  • The absolute quickest, single method to grow your business at blazing speeds (hint; your leaders do this technique daily, but never talk about it).
  • The 5 most common techniques being used by the vast majority of home based business owners that are practically guaranteed to make your business fail.
  • 2 simple to implement items that you can incorporate into your business today to have prospects approaching you – instead of you approaching them.
  • 7 rapid fire tricks to ‘shortcut’ success that will have you dancing all the way to the bank.
    And SO MUCH More!

Now the decision is up to you. Do you continue doing what you’ve been doing or do you grab my report that will show you all the in’s and out’s and share with you in great detail on how to grow your business?

Decision Time

At this point you have a major choice to make. You can choose to continue getting the results that you have been. Or you can take action today and grab my free report and discover what it really takes to grow a colossal organization.

Either way the choice is yours. Inside, you truly know what to do.

The question is…will you take action?

"The path to success is to take massive,determined action"Tony Robbins

Yes, I’m ready to take action today and grow my business faster than ever before!

You will receive your report in you mailbox within 3-5 business days - be sure to read it right away and begin implementing these TOP GUN SECRETS!

This information is specifically designed for:

Juice Plus
Prepaid Legal
Mary Kay
Fuel Freedom (FFI)
Vemma Healthy
Coffee Acai Plus

(And countless others that I don’t have room to mention here)

I personally look forward to making a positive impact on your business.

All the best,

Rosemarie Grabowski

Home-Based Business Specialist


My recommendation:

Take Action Today!

‘The Power House Report For NetworkMarketers’ Will Reveal:
The absolute quickest, single method to grow your business at blazing speeds (hint; your leaders do this technique daily, but never talk about it).

  • The 5 most common techniques being used by the vast majority of home based business owners that are practically guaranteed to make your business fail.

  • 2 simple to implement items that you can incorporate into your business today to have prospects approaching you – instead of you approaching them.

  • 7 rapid fire tricks to ‘shortcut’ success that will have you dancing all the way to the bank.
    And SO MUCH More!

  • Now the decision is up to you. Do you continue doing what you’ve been doing or do you grab my report that will show you all the in’s and out’s and share with you in great detail on how to grow your business?

Decision Time

At this point you have a major choice to make. You can choose to continue getting the results that you have been. Or you can take action today and grab my free report and discover what it really takes to grow a colossal organization.

  • Either way the choice is yours. Inside, you truly know what to do.
    The question is…will you take action?

"The path to success is to take massive,determined action"Tony Robbins
Yes, I’m ready to take action today and grow my business faster than ever before!

You will receive your report in you mailbox within 3-5 business days - be sure to read it right away and begin implementing these TOP GUN SECRETS!

This information is specifically designed for:

Juice Plus
Prepaid Legal
Mary Kay
Fuel Freedom (FFI)
Vemma Healthy
Coffee Acai Plus

(And countless others that I don’t have room to mention here)

I personally look forward to making a positive impact on your business.
All the best,

Rosemarie Grabowski
Home-Based Business Specialist

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Arbonne As A Home business

The Arbonne home based business is into varied product types. The product range includes skin care, nutrition, weight loss and aromatherapy. Pure Swiss skin care product line, specially formulated in Switzerland and manufactured in the U.S. The best thing about the products promoted by Arbonne business is that these are safe, pure and full of benefits.

Arbonne is a company totally based on wellness with it's global headquarters in Irvine, California. The Arbonne business helps people achieve their financial dreams via a home based business opportunity. The opportunity allows them to make a lot of money via selling or promoting their products through multi-level marketing or MLM.

The MLM business opportunity by Arbonne has a superb uni-level compensation plan. The plan is simple and straight forward. It is not at all difficult to understand the plan. All you require to do is to succeed is to get an average of about 50-200 people on your team in order to earn a $1000 residual check each month. If this is the case, the Arbonne business opportunity is just the right choice for you.

Find Out How You Can Grow a Solid Arbonne Business:

You would get the following training support from the company when you start off with the Arbonne business: A Work book, Manual, with the policies, Procedures, Brochures, Order forms, and Retail price list.

There are a plenty of benefits of joining the Arbonne business from a business point of view: Low start up costs, a rewards program, override, bonuses on personal your downline sales, building a home business while on your present job, 35 percent product discount with toll-free ordering.
If you are keen on joining this twenty seven year old Swiss based health and wellness company. Here is a help on how to start off on the right foot with your Arbonne business:

Learn the benefits: In order to succeed in this business and make good money, you need to understand the benefits of the Arbonne products. And, so that you are not overwhelmed - you will need to become familiar with the line of products that is your passion first and then, become familiar with all the other products in the Arbonne line.

Find your target market: In order to sell your Arbonne products well, you need to know exactly who will purchase from you. Find out the benefits and target on the basis of who exactly will benefit from what you have. Start with the products that your passion, as it will be easier, and then branch out. Remember, you want to keep track of who is your prospect and who isn't. It makes marketing to them, that much easier.

Set up a system you can duplicate: Another key to marketing the Arbonne product line effectively is to set up a system that you and your downline can do. If you are successful in setting up this system, you will be able to easily move a great amount of products in addition to sponsoring. In short, a system will help the distributors to identify their right target markets, whereby it will help them gain new customers and distributors.

Use support tools: These tools are specifically meant to help you inform more people about the product that you market and sell and also about the business opportunity. Doing Arbonne business effectively is easier with these tools, like the websites or blogs or autoresponders. When used effectively, it will help you position yourself as an expert, and then in return you will be able to achieve success faster.

Use the product: Most people do not believe in using the product themselves. This is the biggest mistake they tend to make. When you use the product, you know the benefits and it is easy to sell the product further with a lot of enthusiasm. Using the product yourself is the key to success of selling any product and selling Arbonne is no different.

Making a difference

Rosemarie Grabowski
Business Growth Specialist
308 687 6085

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mona Vie Are You Doing As A Home Business

Find Out How You can have a Solid Mona Vie home based business

Mona Vie was founded by Diallin Larsen in order to help people maintain good health via 100% fruit juice. There are a lot of energy benefits one can enjoy via having this drink. If you are planning to get into MonaVie business or are already in one.
MonaVie business is a fantastic home business opportunity for those who are looking forward to make some extra money in their spare time. The company offers a health beverage prepared basically from the Acai Berry fruit. The MonaVie business offers you an amazing opportunity to make a lot of money sitting at home via selling as well as marketing their product via MLM (multilevel marketing). The juice promoted by MonaVie business is principally prepared from the acai berry but it also contains a blend of phenomenal fruit juices. A survey conducted on people regularly having this juice has come to a solution that the juice provides good relief from arthritis, headaches and many inflammation based symptoms.

The fabulous MonaVie business opportunity comes with a binary compensation plan that promises a payout of 50 percent of commissionable volume. There is also a compensation plan to build two different legs to earn commissions.

Here are some tips to help you become successful in what you are doing:

Tip one - Learn the benefits: In order to succeed in this business and make good money, you need to understand the benefits of drinking MonaVie. Once you know the benefits thoroughly, you can easily find a target market for yourself. You would know exactly who will purchase this juice.

Tip two - Find the target market: In order to sell MonaVie well, you need to know exactly who will purchase from you. Find out the benefits and target on the bases of who exactly will benefit from what.

Tip three - Set up a system: Another key to sell MonaVie effectively is to set up a system that you and your team can duplicate. If you are successful in developing such a system in lace, you can easily sell good amount of juice. And your system will also help your distributors be more effectively too.

Tip four - Use support tools: It is extremely important to use the support tools like websites, or blogs, or autoresponders in your business. These tools are specifically meant to help you provide more information to your prospect about products that you market and also about the business. Doing MonaVie business effectively is easier with these tools. You will be able to achieve success faster.

Tip five - Use the product: Most people do not believe in using the product themselves. This is probably one of the biggest mistakes one can make. When you use the product, you know the benefits and it is easy to sell the product further with a lot of enthusiasm. Using the product yourself is the key to success of marketing and selling any product and MonaVie selling/marketing is no different.

Following all the points mentioned above will help you to be more successful in your MonaVie business.

Now to discover additonal tried, tested and proven marketing techniques to build you a solid, Mona vie business, please visit and get your free report.
Also, check out my blog for more timely information:

Call me at 308 687 6085 Rosemarie Grabowski

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fail? Why do home based network markers . . . .

Face to Face marketing.

Face to face marketing is yet another reason why network marketers fail. It involves having to meet up personally with all of your prospects, whether individually or as a group during parties and events. Face to facer takes a lot of time and is also not very cost effective. Network marketers fail because they spend money having to meet prospects every time. This type of strategy also consumes effort that can be devoted to more important things.

Network marketing is truly not an easy business. But when every strategy is studied and reviewed over and over again before hastily carrying it out, you can avoid being among those network marketers failing miserably in a business with a great income.

Warm Market Marketing

Warm market consists of one's family, friends, and acquaintances. Anyone who has tried building a business with their warm market knows that these people are not so 'warm'. Family and friends tend to be more skeptical and negative towards the intentions of a network marketer. One of the common reasons why network marketers fail is that they have set out with a plan to market to their warm market. They will avoid the cousin who is a network marketer because they will think they are always being recruited. Network marketers fail to succeed with their warm market also because the latter soon becomes the competition in recruiting people they know in common.

I Just found Out . . .

You know what I found . . . away to get free repair service on my computer!! A team of professionals keep my PC clean, Tuned up and running like new. I thought yo might like to know about this service. too!

I just signed up and their tech people saved me about $300 the first day!

Internet crime --I have been hearing, reading about cybercrime etc, but I didn't know it was the main cause of the hassles I was having with my computer. my PC was acting up all the time. Taking it in for a "tune-up" was not fun . . . the repair guys clean lots of spyware off of my computer and I pay a couple hundred Dollars!!! However, within a week if not sooner the problems start up again!!!!

No more . . The service subscription I have now takes care of my PC. The tech rep set me up and found a bunch of spyware and what he called "hacker tools" on my computer!
He just went in anc removed all of it. He also did a complete systems tune-up, and a system optimization. Spent hours on my computer, and had time to give me some recommendations. A repair shop would have charged me $300. Oh, he installed new security software, too. The same grade of security that big banks use on their computers.

Let me know If you want to know more, and I'll show you
where, how to get the information

Rosemarie Grabowski
PC Security & Identity
Theft Protection
308 687 6085

Saturday, July 25, 2009

“Here's Your One Chance To Legally Steal The 'Secret Technique' I Use

Income For Life!"

"Here's Your One Chance To Legally
Steal The 'Secret Technique' I Use

And "Yes!" It Works Even If You’ve Got No Tech Skills,No Salesmanship & You’ve Never Made A Dime Online!

Dear Friend,

ow would you like to have a simple technique in your back pocket that can generate thousands of dollars each month at the drop of a hat?

I thought so.

The fact is that if you’re looking to build your business lightning fast and get paid royally through every step of the process: this is the only guide you’ll ever need!

The gurus have been using this "secret tweak" to generate millions of dollars right before your eyes…only you never realized what was happening. Until now…

Here’s the catch.

I’m only giving a minuscule group of fast-movers access the "secret tweak" for free. Why? I need to confirm that the way I’m explaining this method is easy enough for even the rawest rookie to understand and implement today.

That means I need your feedback now before I launch it to the world for top dollar. Learn How to Ad people, make Money As you grow your business.
Rosemarie Grabowski
PC Security & Identity
Theft Protection
308 687 6085

Make Money at Home With a MLM Business Opportunity

Keys to Make Money. . . .

What makes one person in a MLM Business Successful and another a failure? Why do some struggle to make money and Others work and make money?

A simple answer to these questions. No. Yet, there are keys to being successful in a MLM Business. Opportunity's begin with choosing the right company for the right reasons. It has to do with the person's attitude, mindset, and desire. It's as much about the individual as it is the company or the products and services it provides.

Two of the keys I'm sharing are all about you. . . .

They are the ones that will make the difference of whether you succeed or not. The other keys are very important, but nothing will happen without you.

Key #1: You have to recognize the opportunity when you see it

You may think opportunity it is all about money. That is wrong.

It's about the timing.

It is best to find an MLM business opportunity that offers emerging products and services. Is the company really on the cutting edge of research and technology or are they talking a good line? Where do you see the company and industry headed in the next five to ten years? Where do you see the need in the market place in the coming years, is it going up or down?

Opportunity is about the company and its products and or the services and the growth potential in the market place. What is the quality of the products or services offered? Does the company stand behind them? How are they different from the competition? Are they affordable? Do they fill a need no one else is supplying? Are these products or services you can believe in?

Key #2: Have the desire to make your business profitable

I know it sounds silly, but it is true.
To succeed and make money at home you have to have a desire to make money - more money than you spend. In other words, make a profit.

You have to see yourself working the business and succeeding.

You must visualize the end results and see yourself successful. See it! Feel it! Sense every bit of it. Your subliminal mind will take over and direct your actions for success.

Without desire you will go nowhere. You must have a burning desire to achieve what you want. Does the business opportunity have the ability to do that for you? What are your dreams and goals? Does the company help you achieve them?

You have to believe in the company, its leaders and products and services.

You have to believe in yourself and your ability to make money at home with this company.

You must have a sense of purpose. You must know where you want to go in business and in life.

Will the business take you there?

Your desire, belief and purpose have to be so high that fear goes out the window. You are on a mission and you will complete it no matter what the obstacles.
Making A Difference By My Faith
Rosemarie Grabowski
Business Growth Specialists

Keys To Make Money At Home With a MLM business

Here are the " Keys to Make Money at Home with a MLM business Opportunity:"

Recognize that to create wealth you must leverage other people's time and energy

Know and understand leveraging is the key to success. Show me a large company anywhere in the world and I will show you leveraging. Companies hire employees to do the work that wouldn't be possible if only one person did it. By leveraging companies are able to produce products and services for the masses.

A MLM business opportunity allows you do the same thing. As an independent representative you are a distributor of their products and services. Your job is to do two things: gather customers and find people who want to build a business just like you, business partners.

As you find and train business partners you leverage your time and energy. A synergy begins to grow where the sum of the efforts actually out performs the number of people in your organization. That is how you build solid long-term wealth with a MLM business.

Have a strong desire to create residual income

We all understand the concept of residual income. You do something once and you get paid for it over and over again. Residual income is the key to everyone's success. Once you have learned the secrets to leverage other people's time and energy residual income will come your way.

You can earn residual income with either products or a service oriented company .. .

However, I have found a services oriented MLM business opportunity is more likely to have lasting residual income. Here's why:

When you sell products they tend to operate on a month- to-month basis with the only connection to long term being auto shipment.

On the other hand, when you sell services there is generally an annual contract. The services are billed month-to-month but the commitment is much longer. Service oriented customers tend to stay with the company a lot longer thus giving you a longer lasting residual income opportunity and a great way to make money at home.

You must take action to get the ball rolling

Everything we do takes action. Even the simplest of things like mowing the lawn, driving to the store, or going to work every day. It all takes action.

Building a MLM Business opportunity requires action, too. In fact, it takes a lot of action to get it rolling. You will have to work hard in the beginning. You might not see much activity for weeks or maybe months. It can be challenging.

Your desire, belief and purpose are going to carry you and get you past the challenges. You will take action because you mentally see the results. You believe you will succeed.

To make money at home and achieve your goals you must take action every single day.

You must do the things that will grow your business and build the long-term residual income you desire.

Rosemarie Grabowski
PC Security & Identity
Theft Protection
308 687 6085
A foundation you can work from

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The tip-top 1% of all network marketers are not doing any of the following things

- 3-Way Calling-
Making Lists of Friends and Family-
Buying Those Overpriced Opportunity Leads-
Throwing Home Parties /
Meetings- Sitting At Home, Hoping Somebody Will Build Their Business For them

And yet...the top 1% are making 95.3% of all the money earned innetwork marketing!

Is that a coincidence? The answer is absolutely not.

There are some very real differences between what the top incomeearners are doing and what the rest of the net workers are taught todo.

Are you ready for the truth about network marketing? Or are youstill thinking that you will just magically find '3 who find 3' andyour business will grow by itself?

If you've been invited before, and you didn't respond in time, orif you just weren't lucky enough to get a spot on one of is you chance.

The last " How To " Business Briefing was booked up in 75minutes. This time, we have opened the lines a bit in order to letmore network marketers that are tired of chasing their friends andfamily...tired of guessing about how to grow theirbusiness...tired of being fed the same old motivational speechesfrom their company and up line...tired of failing.

If you are truly serious about learning how to easily add 20, 30,or even 40 people per week into your down line (using tools thatyour up line and company don't even know about), then book your spotnow on our International Business Briefing.


This Next Briefing will be @ 7:00 pm eastern time (6:00 pm cen time, 5:00 pm mtn time, 4:00 pm pac time)


International Briefing Line ... see below how to get that phone information.

The "How To" Business Briefing Line (you can stay home anddial in)

What Is Required To Attend:

1. You must be active in your network marketing or retail business

2. You must want to create a significant income with your business

3. You have read my "Painless Secrets To MLM" guide cover to cover.

Just to be clear...

This briefing is definitely not for everyone. There are manypeople in network marketing have the "lottery" mentality. They arenot serious about growing a business. They might be big talkers,but not big doers. They sign up, hoping to make millions, but whenit comes down to it, they aren't that serious about doing what ittakes to truly become successful.

You must have the willingness to learn what the new generation ofsavvy network marketers are doing to build their massive down lines.

The information on this briefing routinely takes people'snetworking businesses from below zero to the six-figure levelincomes. There's no hype, no get-rich-quick rhetoric orsilver-bullet fixes...just the most rock-solid business-growthinformation you will ever get.

If you are serious about growing your business, get on the phoneand reserve you spot now.To reserve you spot, call my office at (308 687 6085). You will deliberately go to voice mail. Because of the volume we receive for this call, please leave your name, the company you are currently working with, how long you have been in network marketing and of course your call back number.

I will personally contact you and set you up with the number and pin code for the briefing if we still have space for you.

Responding to this email will not reserve your seat.Don't let anyone or anything stand in the way of your dreams!

Talk soon, Your Business Growth Specialist
Making A Difference By My Faith
Rosemarie Grabowski

Discover First Hand How To . . . .

My question to you, Do you have a dream, a burning desire, enthusiasm, fearlessness, gratitude, hope, passion, and tenacity ?
If so, you can discover, first hand, how to ...
- create a steady stream of prospects that are reaching out to you...asking you for more information about your products and services ...
- write sales letters
- have a capture page that positions you as the expert
- write reports to establish your expertise
- be like the major players in network marketing that produce a 6 or 7 figure annual income
This information has already changed the lives of hundreds before you - now it's your turn to discover how to build a colossal organization, maintain staggering retention rates and learn the secrets to generate dozens or even hundreds of leads every single day ...
Want to create your own independence day, you'll call me ...
Your Business Growth Specialist
Making A Difference By My Faith
Rosemarie Grabowski

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Do you have a strong work ethic?

Why are "they" at the top and most in this great industryare just flapping out there - trying to survive and just adda 1 or 2 new distributors a week?

Growing a business to achieve some of the targets you'veoutlined for yourself takes quite a bit of hard work and due diligence. Do you work as hard as a mule?

Please take a moment to print this message.

There are a lot of components that must successfully come together to grow a huge business. One of the mostimportant items that must take place is that you must work to achieve your aspirations. If success was easy we'd allbe driving our favorite Ferrari and living our lives in the fastlane.

Take a moment to think about some of the greatest businessowners of our time.

Bill Gates

John Chambers

Donald Trump

Oprah Winfrey

This prominent list could go on for quite some time. What do these leaders have in common? They've all worked theirtails off to obtain the successes they've accomplished.

They're all extremely driven. Putting in long days and countless hours is a daily routine for them. They never stop.

There's also another item that can't be overlooked when discussing leaders and driven inspirations. They all have a "WHY".

They all have something that motivates them to no end.Something that keeps them going. Day after day. It has nothing to do with the creation of wealth.

What keeps you going? Is it your children and providing themwith a better future? Are you passionate about your products
and services? Maybe you have grandchildren. Regardless ofwhat makes you 'tick', you must have a strong reason 'why'.

You'll have good days and bad ones. It's your 'why' that willgive you the strength to pull through those rough days.Ultimately, the success of the wealthy (and yours too) boils down to 2 critical things:

1. They're persistent and don't give up. Nothing stops them.Whether it's things taking place in their personal life, financial woes, personal and financial loss, etc. It makes no difference.They continue to preservere and bouce back like a yo yo. Areyou persistant? Do you easily give up and call it quits after asetback?

2. They understand the relevance of helping others. They thoroughly comprehend "The Law Of Success". The more theygive back and help others they more they will receive in return.It's crazy how it works, but it's the absolute truth. They knowthat their success, in large part, boils down to one simple question, "How many other lives have they changed?" Are youpositively having an impact on other people? Do you reach and go out of your way to assist others in their aspirations and dreams?

Ultimately, success is defined by how you responded to those 2prior questions. Growing a business takes a tremendous amountof "doing". NOT, thinking about "doing". How many others do you plan on helping others today, tomorrowand for the month? People truly need and desire to have your products and services. Are you going to reach out and help themfind what you already have? It makes no difference what you'remarketing. Juice, vitamins, internet security, etc...people need what you have.It's your job to find those people (or have them find you, whichI'll address in an upcoming issue) and provide them with whatthey're looking for.In closing, I present you with a small "to do list". Although extremely simple, this is critical to your success. Doing theseitems will allow you to be more focused and have a better grasp on your objectives:1. Create your reason "why". What keeps you motivated? What drives you to not stop and to never give up?

2. Ask yourself, "How many people you're going to help?" For the day, week and month. Baby steps here. It must be realistic. Something you know without doubt that you're completely capable of accomplishing. There's nothing wrong with starting out with extremely small numbers here. The important thing is that you start. Today. Not tomorrow. We all have reasons andexcuses why we can't or why we won't do something.

If your "why" is strong enough you will prevail. Get it done.Make it happen. Positively influence the lives of those around you.Traveling this journey with you..

Rosemarie Grabowski,

Business Growth Specialists,

308 687 6085

P.S. Remember, goals and targets are great, but action stepsare A MUST to obtain success.

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Passion will make a difference

Look at what can happen when belief and passion for the products and services are the key reasons for signing up for the MLM home based business opportunity:

* Because belief and passion are so high with the products and services, the business owner is compelled to share them with friends and family; thus, no longer operating like a secret agent.

* When belief and passion are the driving forces within the business owner, complacency no longer exists. Likewise, issues that once were barriers to getting started are now banished.

* Knowing that the fundamental purpose in any business is to “show and tell” the company’s products and services, the business owner understands that everyone does not have the same feelings about what is offered; everyone is not the niche prospect. He markets accordingly, letting the prospect be the one to decide if the products and services are right for him, and knowing that a “no” to the offer is not a personal rejection.

* Understanding that the mission of sharing the business and the difference it can make in the life of another person, the business owner discovers that the fear of failure and negative self-talk disappear when leading with passion.

*No matter how slow the start, the business owner understands that quitting is not an option, that owning a business is a long-term mission and there’s no challenge too big to conquer.

In all of the years I have been involved in MLM home based businesses, I have yet to see anyone climb to the top of the mountain and stay there for the long-term without a belief and passion. Oh, yes, I have seen people -- through the passion of getting rich quickly -- climb to the top, but it is built upon greed and not upon sound principles. Their business is built like a house of cards and in a short period of time, many fall apart.

It is imperative that anyone desiring to build a MLM home based business for the long run must have a passion for the company and its products and services. That passion will attract others who also want to be a part of the marketing campaign. They, too, will embrace the owner’s passion, and this will drive them to success, too.

Check out the top leaders who have been with a company for many years. Their passion for what they do will be evident. It is rare to find anyone at the top for any length of time just because they saw the money.

So, it is necessary that a potential home business owner -- before signing up with any MLM home based business -- must research the company to make sure it is all that is written about it. It is essential to use the products and services for a period of time to make sure that there is a positive experience with them. Check out the leadership and make sure they have the experience and a system that will insure success. And, finally, a potential MLM home business owner must ask himself if this is a business that he can believe in and could eventually have a passion to build.

It’s only when the answer is “yes” to these questions that signing up and becoming involved with any MLM home based business opportunity should even be considered.

Too many people get into this industry for the wrong reasons and that is why they fail. Joining for the right reasons will make a huge difference in succeeding or failing. Passion is a key reason for successful growth in any business – either a present one or a future one.